Saturday, July 26, 2008


I Peter 15:3 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

Have you ever noticed that when you least expect it, God will put you in a situation where He can use you? If we would begin to view every person we meet as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ, we would be amazed at the things God would do. I want to be used by God. Every day I pray that God will not let me miss any opportunity, yet as the day wears on, too often the busyness of life gets in the way of sensitivity to the Spirit.

We were at the cottage Friday and Saturday making sure it was ready for our friends to use for the week. My husband loves the opportunity to sleep late, I have learned to enjoy the solitude rather than resent his laziness. Saturday, I awoke to a gorgeous morning. The sky was blue, no clouds in sight and there was a gentle breeze rustling through the trees. I could not resist. Out came the exercise clothes; I laced up my walking shoes, grabbed my pedometer, cell phone and sun glasses and hit my stride. I love walking at the cottage because there is so much to see. There are small hills to climb, a beautiful lake to walk by and thick woods full of small animals and birds a little further on. I walked at a brisk pace enjoying the freshness of the day, said good morning to a group of early morning bikers, an older man walking a dog and a woman I had seen at about the same time on Friday morning.

I continued by the lake, made a circle and was on the path toward home. I was feeling good, my muscles were warm and strong and I could feel the last calories of yesterday’s much awaited pizza burning at a high rate. The woman I had passed earlier was coming toward me. I smiled, fully intending to say “have a nice walk” without missing a step. She had other intentions. LeAnn, her name I learned later, walked across the road and asked where I lived, where I walked and seemed to want to chat. My expression was friendly, my demeanor was gracious, but on the inside all I could think about was my pedometer doesn’t work when I’m not moving, my time will be messed up, my muscles won’t stay warm, and that piece of pepperoni may turn to fat.

I chatted with LeAnn for a few seconds, found out that she lived in North Carolina, had been at Higgins Lake for the entire month of July and had been coming up here with several family members for 14 years. Then her eyes became teary as she told me her uncle had died this week. The Holy Ghost kicked in and I knew that somehow God would rev my exercise efforts in to high gear and supernaturally burn up the pepperoni, but at this moment, He needed me to speak comfort to a hurting heart.

I made the usual sympathetic comments as she shared her feelings regarding the family’s loss. We shared memories of loved ones who have gone on but I could tell there was an emptiness inside that needed to be filled. She told me of one particular memory of her uncle from last Thanksgiving that was especially precious to her. I mentioned how great God is to allow us to experience something so wonderful to sustain us in a time of loss. I noticed that this seemed to encourage her. Then I told her the same thing I told Uncle Jim when Granny died. When our loved ones die, there is a great big hole left inside of us that we think will never be full again because that space is reserved for that dear one who is no longer here. If we will allow God to comfort us, He will slowly fill that gaping hole with precious memories. Yes, there will be times when we miss them terribly; we will cry and feel lonely, but we will also laugh and feel comforted as we pull out a memory and hold it close.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I’m so glad I met you today, my name is LeAnn.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so touching. Thank you so much for sharing. It is so true that we can let the busyness of life sometimes cause us to miss out on something as precious as a soul needing comforted and us being the one that God had in His plan to do the comforting (through His Spirit). Thank you, Susan, for this reminder. I want always be sensitive to God's Spirit for when He wants me to help reach out to someone in need, because I know that the Lord ALWAYS has provided someone to cross MY path to reach out to me when I needed it.

Be blessed!