Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I love to walk early on Saturday morning. There is very little traffic racing to start the work day, the houses are quiet with the drapes still drawn, the flowers are fresh and dew-kissed and if you listen very carefully you can hear all of nature sing praises to the Creator. It was one of those beautiful mornings that make you happy to be alive. The sky was blue, the birds were singing and a cool breeze blew softly through my hair. It was an absolutely perfect morning for a walk.

I laced up my favorite shoes and grabbed a bottle of water; with my favorite songs on the mp3 player I set off on a 3+ mile hike. About a quarter mile into my walk, I hit my stride, cruising to the beat at about 3.5 miles per hour. Once I hit cruising speed, my arms swing in a certain rhythm, my back is straight, shoulders relaxed, head back and eyes looking straight ahead. I have learned to observe and anticipate changes in my environment so that I can adjust for the unexpected without breaking my stride. It is important to be aware of uneven pavement, approaching pedestrian and bicycle traffic, intersections and cars who don’t respect crosswalks and of course the inevitable doggie deposits scattered here and there on the sidewalk.

Although Saginaw is mainly flat, there are rises and dips every once in awhile and adjustments have to be made. I know to lengthen my stride, lean forward and dig my heels a little deeper as I approach a rise and to shorten my stride at just the right time as I approach a curb or an uneven section of road. Usually the music on the mp3 player is all I need to help keep my focus, however, on this particular morning I was suddenly distracted. I’m not sure what caused the distraction. It could have been the truck at the intersection, the blare of music, the sound of voices or maybe a combination of all three. As I approached the intersection, I scanned the road for turning traffic, checked the traffic light and maintained my stride. Feeling confident, I crossed the street and stepped up on the curb. That’s when I lost focus. Misjudging the distance of the curb, I landed on the edge and stumbled. I felt a slight twinge in my ankle as I struggled to keep from falling. I couldn’t quit, my final destination was 2 miles ahead. Shaking and stretching my ankle, I continued on my journey and once again regained my stride.

So many times we are walking along life’s pathway. We have been praying, reading our Bible, going to every service and in general feeling very successful in our relationship with God. Suddenly, Satan throws up a distraction or places an unexpected obstacle in our path. If we do not keep our eyes on Jesus, we will stumble and sometimes fall. Although, we may feel a slight twinge, this is not the time to sit down and quit, our final destination is still ahead. We may have to stretch and shake ourselves to regain our focus and regain it we must. Get your eyes back on Jesus, continue doing all the right things you have been doing and find your stride once again.

By being consistent in my daily walks around the neighborhood, I have started to reap the benefits. I can breathe easier, my muscles have become stronger and more toned and the weight has come off at a much faster rate. If we continue on in our Christian walk, we are promised a benefit that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and it has not even entered into our hearts what the Lord has prepared for us. Eternal life with Jesus Christ is the goal and Heaven is the prize. Don’t let Satan distract you, keep your focus and maintain your stride.

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