Saturday, July 5, 2008


Happy Birthday Dad, I wish you were here to celebrate with us today. I can hardly believe that we have been without your steadiness and unique humor for almost 7 years. The spontaneous memories have become easier to handle but the longing to see you and take advantage of your “pearls” of wisdom never goes away.

The best 4th of July ever was the last one we spent with you. How could any of us fathom that in two short months we would return to Missouri to celebrate your life because you had finished the race. All of your children and grandchildren that had been born were there to tell what you and mom meant to us and share a few special memories that were personal to each family member. I loved the fact that you cried when each kid and grandkid read their letter, because it showed your tender heart. I loved when we gathered around and prayed for you, because it portrayed the most important thing to us as a family. I loved it as each one of us sang a special song we had prepared and that they were all praise to God. Finally, I loved it when you joined me in singing “Pity the Man” just like old times in church and then you sang that special song that each daughter and granddaughter thought had been reserved just for them. I’m sure you must have been tired and in so much pain but you were determined to enjoy every last minute and every activity we had planned.

I will never forget your arms around me as you held me and told me goodbye for the last time. Somehow it seemed as if you knew your time on earth was not going to be much longer. Dad I am so sorry I didn’t call you the night before you died. I would have loved to hear your voice one more time. Val told me even toward the end you had to make a joke and Mom said you told her you loved her not too long before you took your final breath. For now I will be content to believe that you knew how much you meant to me and someday I’ll be able to tell you again face to face.

Today on your 73rd birthday, I will pull out some precious memories, shed a few tears, smile as I think about one of your oft repeated jokes and see you in your grandsons’ personalities. The ache in my heart continues on and according to current events it won’t be long until will all be united where every tear will be wiped away. So Happy Birthday Daddy, I love you.

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