Friday, December 8, 2017


Psalms 78:9 The Children of Ephraim being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of the battle.

Ephraim was the second son of Joseph who became a ruler in Egypt.  Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, each inherited portions of land from their grandfather Jacob and became known as half-tribes in the 12 tribes of Israel.

We also learn that Joshua, the great leader, chosen by God hailed from the lineage of Ephraim.  It was Joshua, one of the spies sent to check out the Land of Canaan, along with Caleb, who came back with a good report, full of faith that through God, the Children of Israel were well able to conquer the city and take possession of the land.

So, what happened to the Children of Ephraim?  They could trace their bloodline back to the “Father of Faith,” himself; Father Abraham.  Their forefather, Joseph, had been a great ruler in the Land of Egypt, saving the world from starvation.  They even had the birthright to boast in the heritage of that great warrior, Joshua, who led all the People of Israel into the Promised Land.  What happened?  What was the cause of the sad commentary in Psalms 78?

They had the “right” heritage, they had the "right" training and they had all the “right” equipment, YET, the Psalms 78 tells us that when it came time to go forth into battle; to join the fight, THE CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM TURNED BACK!

Sadly, I have watched as too many “Children of Ephraim” have turned back.  They have the “right” Heritage of Truth.  They have donned the armor and picked up the weapons.  Many have even walked the path to the “battleground,” but then the “Day of the Battle” dawns and they retreat.

Perhaps fatigue has set in; the weapons have become too heavy.  Or it may be that the armor has begun to rub a sore spot that has become infected and inflamed.  It could be that the looming battle overshadows past victories and their waning faith opens the door to fear, forgetting that they are not fighting on their own.

THE DAY OF BATTLE HAS COME!  Do not pass the legacy of the Children of Ephraim on to your own children and grandchildren.  GET BACK UP!  Put on the armor once again; pick up the bow and march into battle.  A future generation is depending on you…THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD!

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