Tuesday, December 5, 2017


We have all heard numerous messages preached on the life of Job…

His “patience;” although I don’t find that he really had much patience, rather he was placed in a situation in which he had no choice but to endure. 

His “Miserable Comforters:” A “How to slap a man when he’s down” treatise. 

Mrs. Job suggesting that her husband go ahead, “curse God and die.” Although, I always thought we were a little too rough on Mrs. Job considering that she had also lost children, home, wealth, position and in addition had to stand by and watch her husband suffer excruciating pain.

And, finally, how God restored to Job “double for his trouble,” after he prayed for his friends.

For some reason, I have been drawn to take a “second” look at the book of Job.  This “second” look is causing me to rethink all of the sermons I have heard preached regarding Job and view him and his experiences in a whole new light.  I pray they will provoke your mind and challenge you to consider that there may be far more to Job’s story then we first thought.

Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was BLAMELESS, and UPRIGHT, and one who FEARED GOD and SHUNNED EVIL.

The first chapter of the Book of Job establishes the man and gives us insight into his character.  Verse 1, states that he was blameless, upright, feared God and shunned evil.  Verse 2 tells us that he was “greatest of all the people of the east.”  We come to understand that Job was a “Man of Integrity,” BUT, though it says he “feared” God, it does not say that he was a man FULL OF FAITH, as Abraham is described. So in reality, what type of relationship did Job have with God?

Job 1:5 So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all.  For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.  Thus Job did regularly.

In reading this verse, one may say and I have heard sermons preached saying, “What a righteous, spiritual man, Job must have been; so spiritual that he offered sacrifices for his children every day.”  Reread verse 5…This describes a man who FEARS God but does not have FAITH in God.  This portrays a picture of a man that has developed a WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP with God.

A WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP – If I do this, then God will…If I am “holy” enough, then God must…If I follow this list of rules, then God promises…

A WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP has two components that walk hand-in-hand…FEAR and PRIDE.

The PRIDE FACTOR says, “IF I.”  It’s really up to me. IF I can try hard enough to do enough, then God will perform as I wish.

The FEAR FACTOR causes you to continue the behavior because you are not sure you will ever truly be “good enough” to receive all the blessings you desire from God.

The one component missing from a WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP is FAITH!  Perhaps God’s conversation with Satan had more to do with taking Job from a WORKS-BASED to a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP with Him, then it had to do with God showing off one of His “prized possessions” or teaching us a lesson on “enduring to the end,” or even forgiving the “inept sympathizers” in our life.

NOW, let’s be real here…have you ever “bargained” with God?  Maybe, thought if you did this, didn’t do that or committed to something, that God HAD TO do the thing you desired?  I HAVE!!! And I discovered that God is NOT IMPRESSED with anything I use to manipulate Him. 


FAITH that GOD has the plan for your life.

FAITH that HE will give you the desires of your heart; not what your heart desires. 

FAITH that if you turn every circumstance that comes your way over to God, that HE will work it out for your good. 

FAITH that GOD DESIRES to save your children even more than you do, BUT His methods will probably not meet your criteria.

FAITH that HE will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, using the most unlikely people.

FAITH that HE is able to complete everything HE has started in you.

If you are happy living in a FRUSTRATED, WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP with God, keep on striving, keep on trying to please, and get ready to retrieve all of your prayers as the bounce off the ceiling right back at you.  BUT…

If you are ready to walk in the FREEDOM of a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP, shake off the chains of your own desires, lay down the pride that says, “I CAN,” and allow God to overshadow your fear with His love.

Job finally got from WORKS to FAITH;  hopefully you won’t have to travel the same road to get to the same destination.  God has GOOD THINGS in store for you but they can only be obtained through a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP with Him.

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