Monday, June 8, 2015


Psalms 86:5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.

MERCY…We all desire mercy for ourselves when we mess up, but it isn’t so easy to bestow mercy on others who are struggling.  MERCY is such an important attribute of God that He gave instructions for a MERCY SEAT to be placed ABOVE THE LAW, on top of the Ark of Testimony where His Shekinah Glory would rest.  God’s presence will always rest on MERCY.

Discussing this subject with a friend last week, she relayed an event that had taken place in her son’s life and had changed he and his wife’s thinking and treatment of those who didn’t live up to their “high standards.”  I made the statement, “I think God often allows and then uses events in our life to change our thinking and help us in becoming more like Him.”

One of those events happened in my husband’s life over 30 years ago.  Upon returning home from a vacation, Steve’s dad became very ill and went to the emergency room.  It was determined that he had inoperable cancer throughout his body.  It was the middle of December and his dad died in February.  During those 2 months, my husband sat by his dad’s bedside, fasted and prayed that God would heal his dad and he also prayed that God would show MERCY to his dad and save his soul. 

Hubert was a good man, had served his country and was kind to his neighbor, but he had never made a commitment to God.  During those 2 months, God answered Steve’s prayer; his dad repented and after bringing in a large “horse trough” tank into the kitchen, Steve baptized his Dad.  On his last day of life, when Hubert could hardly find the strength to breathe, he raised a feeble hand in praise to His Savior as the Pastor prayed for him and then walked without fear into eternity.

This was a life-changing event in Steve’s life…God taught him a great lesson in MERCY.  It was easy to ask God to show mercy to his dad because of the love of a son for his father, but what about those he came in contact with every day who were not his father?  What of those who some deemed as “too far gone?”  Could he pray for mercy for those who had treated him wrong and even stabbed him in the back?  God was faithful and answered a son’s desperate cry.  God had showed mercy on someone who for 66 years, had never looked to God until the last 2 months of life.  From that moment and still today, compassion and mercy overrules judgment in Steve’s heart…GOD IS MERCIFUL to all who call upon Him.

God’s mercy is so much greater than we can imagine or even try to understand.  His mercy toward you is endless and everlasting.  It is not about “DESERVING;” mercy cannot be EARNED or MERITED. It is merely kindness or favor, if it is only extended to those whom we deem deserving.  So the next time you look at someone who is seemingly hopeless, remember GOD’S MERCY toward you as you extend mercy toward them.   

If not for MERCY, you and I would have been one of many….A HOPELESS CASE.  Is there anyone in your life that is in dire need of mercy?  Are you in need of mercy? Here is the key…Show mercy and you shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

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