Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Walking up the wide steps, we paused to take a few pictures, and then continued in anticipation toward the adventure that awaited us beyond the wall of doors.  Another couple was standing by the doors and after a polite greeting and smile, I reached out, pushed the door open and crossed into the large atrium at Lambeau Field.  With a surprised look and an embarrassed laugh, the young woman said, “I was just standing there waiting; I thought it was automatic.”  We shared a laugh because we all have pushed when we should have pulled, pulled when we should have pushed or simply waited for the door to open itself.  A little later in the day, it hit me.  WOW, the story of my life.

In Genesis 7, we find that after Noah, his family and the animals entered the ark, God SHUT the door.  But it does not say, in Genesis 8, after the flood waters had receded that God OPENED the door; that task was left up to Noah.  Noah could have stood in front of the door and waited for the “electric eye” of God to spring it open but then he and all the animals might have died and been entombed on the ark, never experiencing what God had prepared on the newly cleansed earth.

Have you ever prayed for God to “just open the door?”  What are you really saying?  “God if you just lay everything out for me, all nice and neat, I will walk in and take it from there.”  OR “God I really don’t know which way to go, so could you shed some light on the situation by opening a door.”   Several years ago, we had a friend that had a real desire to pastor a church.   He labored faithfully in the church he attended, but he believed that one day God was going to “open the door” for him to pastor a congregation. Downstate, a pastor of a church resigned and excitedly, we called to let him know of the opening.  He would not enquire or pursue the possibility of becoming this congregation’s pastor because his vision of an “open door” included a phone call from a stranger, telling him that God had spoken and they were calling to tell him that he was supposed to be the pastor of this church.  That scenario didn’t happen and this wonderful minister friend is still not pastoring a church.  Had God led him to a door but he stood there waiting for it to open because HE THOUGHT IT WAS AUTOMATIC?

Every day, we are confronted with doors.  Some are not meant for us to open, other doors may be ajar or wide open and welcoming, but most doors we face are closed, requiring a little effort on our part.  Instead of praying for God to “open the door,” perhaps our prayer should be for God to “open our eyes” to the doors that are before us. 

Now that God has “opened your eyes” to all the doors He has put in your path, take the time to read the posted signs.  Don’t just stand there assuming THE DOOR IS AUTOMATIC, if the sign says PUSH then PUSH; if it says PULL then PULL.  It may be one of those crazy “REVOLVING DOORS” that kids love and adults hate.  If that is the door God presents, jump in…just don’t forget to walk as you push.  Finally, God may lead you to an AUTOMATIC DOOR.  If that happens, wait for the door to open, then walk in; God isn’t going to carry you over the threshold.  GET READY!!! You are about to face more doors than you ever imagined; just don’t ASSUME THEY WILL ALL BE AUTOMATIC.

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