Monday, February 9, 2015


Several years ago, ok, I’ll admit it was more like over 40 years ago; our church was involved in an annual fundraiser for foreign missions, entitled Sheaves for Christ.  One of the fundraising activities was a 20 Mile Walkathon.  I enlisted sponsors, laced up my shoes and excitedly, took off with the rest of the group at the starting line.  We quickly moved ahead of some and fell behind others but that was ok because my friends and I were walking along, chatting and enjoying the day.  Almost 10 miles in, we stopped for a bathroom/rest break.  The workers handed out a cup of cold water and a snack, which I promptly sat down to enjoy.  BIG MISTAKE!!! I suddenly realized that my legs were like rubber and my feet had developed blisters on top of blisters; I had completely run out of “gas.”  No amount of “pride in finishing,” getting the t-shirt or hearing cheers from the crowd could motivate me…I was DONE and the only thing on my mind was getting a ride back to the starting line. 


Three years ago, we moved back to Michigan, exhausted, blistered and bruised.  Sure, the “gas gauge” of our spirits registered empty, but we were still idling, so we continued walking.  We found a church to attend full of wonderful people but instead of instead of allowing ourselves to get “refueled,” we jumped right in and kept walking.  We tried to be encouraging, prayer warriors and do what we were asked to do but secretly I knew we were “running on empty” and soon even the “fumes” would be ineffective.  If you have ever allowed your automobile’s gas gauge to fall to empty, you know if the car is idling, you put it in drive and step on the gas, it will go for a while because there is a small amount of fuel in the pump.  If you ever stop, however, there will probably not be enough to restart the car because it isn’t created to “run on fumes.”


Finally, one day, the engine died; there was no more to give and even the fumes had disappeared in the breeze.  But God was not about to let me sit and rust out, so I took in just enough fuel to get me to the next station and then the next.  Along the way, I have had some “God-Encounters” and “Divine Appointments” and times when I could reach w a a a a y down to the “bottom of the barrel” and find “just enough” to encourage that hurting soul or pray for a hopeless situation; then “just enough” to make it to the next prayer meeting or church service, but I had no reserves; only fumes.


Living through 50+ years of northern winters, you quickly learn that it is a good idea to keep the tank full.  If you don’t, it is possible that moisture will get in and mix with the gas or even freeze in the hoses…not positive occurrences.  Spiritually, we do not want to sit, stand or run on empty for too long and allow foreign substances to dilute the fuel or freeze our spirit….It is time for a fill-up.  So for the next few months, I will spend time connecting with the only one who can REPLENISH, REVIVE and RENEW my spirit with His Holy Spirit.  I intend to spend time walking and talking with Him, refreshing my mind with His written instructions and listening, REALLY LISTENING to His voice. You will see me as we continue doing life.  I will wave and smile as I pass by and I’ll probably stop to offer an encouraging word and prayer but I can no longer RUN ON EMPTY…I need a HOLY GHOST FILL UP!

If this blog hits a nerve and you feel as if I am writing your story, maybe I am.  You don’t have to RUN ON EMPTY any longer.  God has an endless supply and it is available to WHOSOEVER WILL!  Get to the station!!!  It may be your secret place, an altar at your church or small group; you know where you need to go to be filled up.  The Holy Spirit will refresh, renew, reinvigorate and fill you with new purpose.  YOU WERE NOT MADE TO RUN ON EMPTY!

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