Saturday, February 21, 2015


It turned out to be the 5th largest blizzard in Chicago history and we were there to witness it in person.  Our flight to Phoenix was not scheduled until early Monday morning but in anticipation of the coming storm, we arrived in Chicago on Saturday.  Monday dawned cold but with the sun shining brightly on about 20 inches of snow.  The flight, of course, was delayed and after setting on the plane for an hour and a half, we were finally off to enjoy warm, sunny days in Arizona.  I was surprised to find the plane was not completely filled and the window seat next to me was empty, giving me just a little more precious room for the 4 hour flight.

During a quiet moment at the beginning of a relaxing, fun-filled week, it hit me; I was rejoicing over an empty seat on the plane instead of praying for an opportunity to be a blessing to someone.  I said a quick “forgive me” and “use me” on the flight back and went about the rest of the week, oblivious to the Divine Appointment God was setting for me on the flight home.

Arriving at the airport for the flight back to the frozen north, we learned there was an hour delay, which turned out to be two hours.  So, needless to say, I was not in the most spiritual frame of mind as I walked onto the plane.  I was also just a little “miffed” that in the window seat next to mine, sat a beautiful lady, a few years younger than me, huddled up in a blanket.  OH   GREAT, not only a cramped flight but I would be breathing “sick germs” for the next 4 hours.  I quickly repented, smiled and settled in with my Kindle and Tablet.  I read a little, then after takeoff, brought out my Tablet to play a simple game to relax.  The sweet lady next to me made a few comments, which I answered with a smile and went back to my very important Bubble Game.

Thinking back, I cannot recall why she suddenly asked the question that started the conversation;  "What kind of church do you go to?”  I answered, “We are Pentecostal,” certain that she would have no idea what that even meant.  Her eyes opened wide and she said, “Get out of here, so am I.”  Still certain that she was not of my specific “flavor,” my next question, “Are you Assembly of God or Church of God in Christ?”  She looked at me puzzled and said, “No, I was raised in (an organization that we were affiliated with at one time) Oneness Church.”  Now it was my turn to utter, “No Way!!! We are Oneness also.”  Further investigation revealed that she had attended a church in IL and I, of course knew the pastor and had seen him at many camps and conferences.

She began to pour out her story to me for the rest of the flight.  Most all of her family still attended or pastored churches.  She had received the Holy Ghost at the age of 7 and continued in the church until about the age of 18.  She felt as if she could never be good enough or measure up and finally left.  Marrying a man who was not raised in church and had a background of drugs, alcohol and pornography, she strayed further from God and finally moved to the Southwest.  

But God is always reaching! So at her “wit’s end,” she and her husband began to attend a Pentecostal Church in New Mexico.  Her husband got saved, she got renewed and wouldn’t you know it…the church turned out to be a cult.  They were restricted on who they could visit, where they could go and even the intimate details of their life were controlled by the pastor.  They finally left that church and with nowhere to turn allowed the old lifestyle to slowly creep in.  Desperately, her husband called the pastor and asked if he could come and hear him preach.  The Pastor coldly told them that they were not welcome in his congregation any longer.  The rejection was devastating to her husband and a few days later, feeling hopeless, he took his own life.

The following years were so difficult for Michelle.  She was angry at the pastor, angry at God and angry at life.  Alcohol became her companion and she ended up in prison for too many DUIs.  A Christian lady had come to the prison, befriended her, prayed and talked with her and now she was trying to put the pieces of her life together. 

God will go to any length to reach a hungry heart.  I told her I had purchased the tickets only 3 weeks previously and had paid the extra fee just to choose these exact seats….God had set a Divine Appointment for her.  She revealed that it was exactly 3 weeks ago that she felt her world was falling apart and she had to get away.  We talked about how much God loved her and that He had been intervening in her life all along the way.  I prayed with her, promised to email her the names of a couple of churches and the flight landed….I never did finish my Bubble Game!

Walking off the plane into the terminal, I gave her a hug and once again reminded her how much God loved her and I would be praying.  She looked at me and said, “I feel so light; I feel almost happy.”  Hugging her again, I replied, “Michelle, it’s called HOPE!”

When God fills us with His Holy Spirit, we become the BEARERS OF HOPE.  Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY.  There is a hungry and searching world that is just waiting to hear the good news of the HOPE that you have found.  1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the HOPE that is in you with meekness and fear. 

God has DIVINE APPOINTMENTS set up for each one of us.  Too often we miss them because we are too preoccupied, in a hurry or worried about being inconvenienced.  Before you go to the store, a restaurant, get on a plane or go out for a walk, take the time to ask God to show you the appointments He has set on your spiritual calendar.  You can speak life to someone in need.  You can be the BEARER OF HOPE!

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