Monday, September 1, 2014


Every one of us has moments, days or years that we just wish we could “do over.”  Maybe it is because of procrastination, perhaps it was due to impulsiveness, or maybe you tried to take things into your own hands and instead, created a mess.  Whatever the reason or the excuse, we can all look back at the moments when our “I should” becomes our “If only.”-
As with most of the “mess ups” in our life, “If Onlys” were handed down to us from Father Adam and have been a constant “thorn in our side” throughout the history of mankind.  Adam was well aware of the choice he SHOULD make.  He had heard the instruction straight from the mouth of God, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”   (Genesis 2:16-17)  Yes, Adam knew exactly what he SHOULD DO, but in a moment that would change Human History, he ate of the fruit.  In that moment, not only were Adam’s eyes opened to knowledge, not only would his body begin to die, not only would he have to toil and labor for his “daily bread,” but Adam experienced a moment when his SHOULD became his IF ONLY.
There are many more examples in the Bible of “I SHOULD” becoming “IF ONLY.”  So many regrets would be avoided, if we would learn the “IF ONLY” lessons taught by each event.  Moses SHOULD have spoken to the rock; IF ONLY he had not struck the rock, he would have been the one leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.  Abraham SHOULD have trusted God when He said that his son would come from Sarah; IF ONLY he had not been impatient, he would not have birthed an Ishmael.  Judas SHOULD have not allowed money to cloud his judgment; IF ONLY he had loved and been loyal to the Master, he would have been one of the 120 in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost.  So many life changing moments occur when an “I SHOULD” turns into an “IF ONLY.”
Thirteen years ago, September 2, 2001, I too had one of those moments that will be forever imprinted on my brain.   We had gone to our “up north” cottage to spend the Labor Day weekend.  Mom had called on Friday, to say she was taking Dad to the hospital to possibly get a blood transfusion and expected to be home some time during the day on Saturday.  I was busy and looking forward to a fun-filled weekend.  I tried to call Saturday morning and again Saturday evening; there was no answer at  home.  I thought, to myself, tomorrow I will call the hospital if there is still no answer on the home phone.  On the way to breakfast, Sunday morning, my phone rang with the sad news that Dad had died.  I SHOULD have called; IF ONLY I had, I could have spent some precious last moments hearing my Dad’s voice and letting him know one more time that I loved him.
If there are things in your life that you SHOULD do or say; DO THEM!!!!  Make that phone call; SAY THEM!!!  Don’t allow another SHOULD to transform into an IF ONLY.

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