Friday, September 5, 2014


As all the Facebook devotees know, under each post is the opportunity for the reader to give a “THUMBS UP” signifying “good post,” “I agree” or that really “hit a nerve.”  Look again; there is no “THUMBS DOWN” for the reader to click in disagreement.  Oh you can put a L or type “dislike” in the comments but who does that?  No one wants to appear negative.  No, we live in an “AFFIRMING” society where anything you choose is ok and the right choice for you.  Sadly, I have witnessed this “HYPER-AFFIRMATION” become the downfall of many movie and rock stars, politicians, preachers and loved ones.
It is tempting to surround ourselves with ONLY positive, affirming friends and if anyone dares question or use the word, NO, they are swiftly deleted, defriended or if unable to be eliminated, pushed to the outskirts of our tight-knit little circle of admirers.  I have to admit that my first thought at receiving an online rebuke for a post was not humble or spiritual.  My first thought was, How dare you” and “Who do you think you are anyway.”  The Holy Spirit has a way of stopping us, however, and allowing us to think for just a moment.  Words do matter and to make sure we speak those things that are true, kind, lovely, edifying and with the right motives, every now and then we need someone in our life that says, “NO.”
The Word of God is full of affirming statements.  “We are loved with an everlasting love.”  “Nothing shall separate us from the love of God.”  “I will never leave you or forsake you.”  “Beloved, now are we the sons of God.”  Now that we feel all “warm and fuzzy,” we need to remember that all of these affirmations are anchored to THOU SHALT NOTs!!!  Let us not get so carried away with euphoria of affirmation that we push the “shalt nots” to the outskirts of our circle or delete them from our life.  It is the “shalt nots” that keep us in tune with God so that we can hear and follow after His voice.  It is the “shalt nots” that make us stop and reconsider our words, actions and choices. It is the “shalt nots” that keeps us from separating ourselves from the love of God.  NO is as life-giving as YES and we must have someone we allow in our circle that is not afraid to speak negative things into our life.

Is it possible that Samson would not have been blinded and made to tread grain as an animal, if dad and mom had given him a “Thumbs Down?”  What if Eli had told his sons, “Thou SHALT NOT take the Ark of God into battle, Israel would have not suffered defeat at the hands of the Philistines and Hophni and Phinehas could have spent their days ministering before the Lord.  Then there is Rehoboam, the son of Solomon who pushed the wise elders from his circle of advisors and chose to listen only to those who agreed with him.  This of course caused a civil war and his kingdom was split, all because he did not allow anyone in his life to tell him, NO!!!
So the next time someone tells you NO, thank them for giving you the opportunity to reconsider.  Instead of reaching for the “DELETE” button at the next negative comment, use it to examine your thoughts and motives.  Include two or three people in your inner circle that you trust, that you love and are not afraid to speak to you with brutal honesty.  The "THOU SHALT NOT" that you reluctantly receive and apply to your life may just be your salvation from a life of heartache and regret.

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