Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It had been a long, fun-filled week at Niswonger Grandkid’s Camp 2014 and I was totally exhausted.  The grandkids had gone home, my house was a cluttered mess and after a week of sleep deprivation all I wanted was a steaming cup of coffee, as I stumbled out of bed on Sunday morning.  To properly function, a body requires uninterrupted rest during each 24 hour period to heal, replenish the spent energy and store up a surplus of energy to be used the next day.  If your body goes without this restorative process for too many days, you will tire more easily, your immune system will break down, leaving you vulnerable to illness and disease and eventually complete collapse.  As the caffeine coursed through my veins, bringing me back to life I counted the hours of sleep over the last week and realized 4 to 5 hours per night was not enough to replenish the energy expended every day trying to keep up with 6 kids all under 10 years old.  I was physically exhausted.
It was Sunday and my teaching and tradition told me I should be getting ready for church but on this specific morning, getting dressed, driving an hour for 3 songs, an offering, sermon and prayer was something my mind couldn’t wrap around.  Pouring another cup of coffee, I turned on one of my favorite streaming church services in Louisiana.  I sang along with the awesome worship and prepared myself to hear a good sermon.  But today, it would be more than a sermon; God had a message prepared for me.  I cannot tell you the title or the text but there was one verse that grabbed hold of me and began to do its work. Amos 3:12 Thus says the Lord: “As the shepherd rescues from the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear, so shall the people of Israel who dwell in Samaria be rescued, with the corner of a couch and part of a bed.”  Suddenly God wasn’t speaking to Israel, He was speaking directly to me and it hit me I was SPIRITUALLY EXHAUSTED and in danger of being completely devoured.

I honestly felt that about all I had left was two legs and not even a whole ear, just a piece.  Oh, I knew God still loved me and I rested in His salvation but spiritually, I was completely spent.  For too long I had been taking in just enough to pour out something to others but not enough to build up my own reserves.  Having been raised in church and filled with the Spirit as a child, I was an expert at going through the motions, saying “Amen” at just the right time, smiling and giving just the right word of encouragement, praying just the right prayer, then making my way home totally drained.  My Spiritual Immune System was breaking down, I was becoming vulnerable to the attacks of Satan and I didn’t even have the strength to pull my two legs and ear out of the mouth of the lion; I was exhausted.
The beautiful thing about God is He doesn’t leave us in our exhausted state to rescue ourselves.  No, Amos 3:12 says “As the Shepherd rescues..”  Healing tears began to flow down my face, a glimmer of hope shone faintly in my spirit as I snuggled comfortably in His everlasting arms. “But God is it enough?”  What can you do with two legs and a piece of ear?”  And God softly whispered, “I created the two legs and the ear; they belong to me.”  If you will listen closely with even one ear, you will hear My voice which bids you come to me on your two legs and I will give you rest.”

Perhaps, you feel pulled apart and devoured until there is only two legs and piece of ear remaining.  You have given of yourself for too long without replenishing the reserve; you are Spiritually Exhausted.  Allow the Shepherd to rescue the parts of you that remain and remake you as only the Creator can.  Rest in His Presence, listen to His voice, allow His Spirit to rejuvenate and reenergize you.  Prepare to be amazed at what God will do with “TWO LEGS AND A PIECE OF EAR.”


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