Tuesday, March 4, 2014


We watch Sunday’s game, feeling all warm and fuzzy when the athlete points Heavenward as he scores.  Miss America thanks God for giving her this platform to speak for Him and we cheer. Facebook, twitter and the rest of Social Media was recently bombarded by Believers, excitedly sharing the news that Megan Fox and Katy Perry had revealed that they believed in speaking in tongues.  We were told that we should not be judging their lifestyle choices because God looks on the heart and besides, THEY SPOKE IN TONGUES!!!!  In America, we have become so devoid of God in the Public Square, that when an actor says the word “God” other than in a swear word or an athlete crosses himself after a good play; we swoon with religious fervor or is it “fever.”  Well, here we go again…
Monday morning the News, Facebook, Twitter and other print media were all showcasing the most exciting event of the Oscar Award show; Matthew McConaughey, in his acceptance speech had raised his golden statue to Heaven and thanked God.  No mention of what that golden statue represented or what the actor had done to receive the award.  OH NO!!! The only thing that mattered is that he had said the word, “God!”  He went on to say, He has graced my life with opportunities that I know are not by my hand or any other human hand.”  It sounds lovely but STOP!!!!  What god was Mr. McConaughey really thanking and by whose hand had the opportunity come?

 Matthew McConaughey won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in a movie entitled Dallas Buyer’s Club.  Since I did not see the movie, I investigated its content to try to understand what marvelous thing was being credited to God.  Dallas Buyer’s Club was of course rated R and contained moderate nudity, heavy language and sex.  It had a pro-homosexual world view, 186 obscenities, 21 strong profanities, 3 light profanities, extreme sexual content and sexual immorality, and drug usage.  Honestly, I found no mention of God in any of the online reviews, so I continued searching for the “OPPORTUNITIES” that Mr. McConaughey attributed to the Hand of God.  Here are some of the other movies he has starred in recently; maybe they will reveal a clue. Killer Joe, this movie was first rated NC-17 and had to be edited to receive an R rating.  Magic Mike is a movie about male strippers, which of course also carried the R rating.  Wolf of Wall Street also rated R and containing enough nudity, language and immorality to make just about anyone that had a conscience, blush.  Do we really think our Holy God was sitting on His throne just waiting for Matthew to raise his golden statue to Heaven and attribute such a collection of human depravity to His Hand?
All opportunities are not from God, as we read in Matthew 4:8-10 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”  10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.”   Fame, riches and success are not necessarily, signs of the favor of God.  There is another voice that belongs to the “god of this world,” constantly luring and tempting us away from that which is pure and lovely by promising wealth, position, affirmation and recognition.  Learn the difference, do not mistake the voices of this world for the voice of God which asks for self-denial, taking up a cross, leaving our own success and following Him.

What about my life?  When I stand in the congregation, testifying of God am I bringing glory and attention to Him or merely raising a “Golden Statue of Personal Success?”  I believe every gift and talent we possess is bestowed upon us by our Creator.  But I also believe that every choice we make to use our gifts and talents does NOT automatically bring glory to the Giver of the Gifts.   God is really not impressed by the pathetic offerings we present to Him showcasing our efforts and success.  Revelations 4:10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne.   He is filled with joy and we are truly only successful when we yield the gifts and talent back to the Creator and allow Him to use them in us to glorify Him and reach the hurting and broken.  When humbly at His feet, we present the souls that we have loved and ministered to and the people with whom we have been able to share the Gospel, we have offered the kind of genuine thanks our God will accept.
Psalms 56:16-17 For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—These, O God, You will not despise.  Does the God of Heaven desire our “golden” statues, the awards for our earthly accomplishments?  NO, He desires us; the award for HIS earthly accomplishments.

When you have faithfully followed after the Spirit, then you can raise your hands toward Heaven and truthfully say, He has graced my life with opportunities that I know are not by my hand or any other human hand,” giving God the glory He deserves.  God isn’t looking for GOLDEN STATUES; He is seeking for those who will worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!!!

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