Saturday, March 8, 2014


“Bampa’s taking us to “Red Robster,” 3-year old Maicie excitedly informed everyone as we walked out of church headed for Sunday Dinner with the grandkids.  Is Red Lobster her favorite restaurant in the whole world?  Probably not, but she is 3 so everything and every place is an exciting adventure.  When Maicie is with Grandpa and Grandma she has complete faith in our love, our desire to do whatever is best for her and she knows we have special little surprise blessings just waiting to be bestowed upon her.  Maicie has completely surrendered her will to Grandpa and Grandma, so it doesn’t matter if it is Red Lobster or McDonalds, having her favorite book read to her or snuggling on Grandma’s bed watching a video, going to the Reptile Zoo or making valentines at the kitchen table; A SURRENDERED HEART IS NEVER DISAPPOINTED.
As I meditated, during morning devotions, my mind went back over all the many blessings in my life and the few disappointments.  God whispered sweetly to my spirit, “A surrendered Heart is NEVER disappointed.”  I began to examine each one of those disappointments and realized once again, God was right.  Every disappointment I have faced has been due to following my hopes and dreams instead of God’s plan, imagining the outcome I wanted instead of understanding God’s work in my life, or having expectations all for my benefit rather than furthering the Kingdom of God.  On the other hand every blessing I have received as a result of a Surrendered Heart has been lasting and never disappointing.  Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.

Lord, help me to have the Surrendered Heart of a 3-year old.  Every morning help me to awake with the excited expectation of the new adventures You have prepared.  I want to have complete faith in Your love and Your desire to do whatever is best for me; knowing that YOU are working all things for my good.  Whether it is “Red Lobster or McDonalds,” I want to feast at Your table; whether it is reading your Word or resting quietly in Your arms, I want to linger in Your presence.  If you want to show me the “Reptile Zoo” or have me share the Gospel at my kitchen table, I am available.   I desire Your will to replace my will and Your hopes and dreams for me to come to fruition.  Most of all, remind me that A SURRENDERED HEART IS NEVER DISAPPOINTED.

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