Thursday, February 13, 2014


“The word passion originates in the Latin, meaning “to suffer.” The word was created by religious scholars in the 11th century to describe the willing suffering of Christ. Passions have become nearly synonymous with pleasures and what excites us in modern culture. But consider that Passion is originally defined as the moment of the deepest willing suffering of Christ for our good. It lifts the word from human desires to a monumental love willing to suffer. When we find ourselves willing to choose suffering for a cause, that cause may hold our life’s mission.
This excerpt from Jennie Allen’s book, “Restless, Because You Were Made for More” spoke something to me.  I’m not sure what the word, “Passion” says to you, but I certainly never considered it synonymous with “Suffering.”  When I think of passion or being passionate about something, I think of something I love, something that gets the creative juices flowing, or something that excites.  I have to confess, I really didn’t get why we always talked about Jesus Christ and His passion.  I seriously thought it was all about His love for mankind; that we were His passion.  Well it was and it is, but, in light of this new revelation of the word passion that I have received, I realize that the Passion of Christ was that He loved mankind so much that He was willing to SUFFER for the cause.

Paul says in Philippians 3:9:10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.  Oh we dance and rejoice that we know Him and are partakers in the power of His resurrection but pull back slightly when we consider partnering with His “Passion.” Is the “Cause of Christ” one of which I am passionate? Perhaps, I am wowed by the “Glory.” The dream always includes great exploits, accolades and of course the “stars in our crown” representing the many souls won, but am I willing to DIE; is there any PASSION?

The call to the “Fellowship of His Sufferings and being Conformed to His Death” may not result in your physical death but it will require that you DIE!  If you want to share in the fellowship of His PASSION, your will must die.  What He Desires FOR Your Heart must become the Desires OF Your Heart. Jesus said in Matthew 16:25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
Are you ready to take the first step in really knowing Jesus Christ?  Before you answer the call, consider the cost; “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings.”  The COST is great; the cost is everything to share in His Passion for the Cause of Souls, but the REWARD is also great.  The reward is everything; Fellowship with Christ for Eternity.

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