Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I have probably had more dental work than the average person.  I am convinced that my dentist’s children have all went through college on my “$1,000” visits.  I have first-hand knowledge of most dental procedures and immediately recognize the different levels of tooth pain.  So why did I ignore the small bubble on my gum and the accompanying sensitive tooth for 3 years, because the bubble would come and go and sensitivity is not pain.  Finally, the back of my tooth broke off and I had no choice but to make the dreaded call.  My dentist confirmed what I already knew; a root canal was in my future.
I could have been given an antibiotic to fight the infection.  The “bubble” and sensitivity would have left but the underlying problem was still lurking in the tooth, just waiting for another opportunity to manifest.  To make sure the infection was gone and to save the tooth, the dentist began to clean out the infected pulp from each of the 3 root canals of the tooth and rinsing the inside with a dental antibiotic cleanser.  Once the root canals were clean, they were filled with a permanent filler to strengthen and seal the tooth.  A thousand dollars later and my tooth is as good as they day it was born; well almost!

Now to Spiritual Matters!!!  You are skipping your way through life and you notice a bubble, but since there is just some minor sensitivity, the bubble is ignored until the problem takes hold and something breaks.  That is when you realize you have no other option but to submit to a “Spiritual Root Canal.”  God doesn’t just prescribe an “antibiotic” to relieve the symptoms; NOPE, He goes right to the “Root Canal” and restores us back to brand new.  God gently and lovingly cleans out all the “sin” infection from every channel of our heart and cleanses us with His blood.  Once the infection is washed away, He doesn’t leave us empty, helpless and vulnerable but fills us with His Holy Spirit to seal and make us strong. 
If you’ve noticed a little sensitivity or a “bubble,” don’t ignore the symptoms or put off the treatment.  Submit to God’s “root canal;” you are worth saving.  Allow Him to clean all the rottenness from the hidden parts that no one can see beneath your smiling façade.  There is nothing as powerful as being washed in the blood of Jesus to banish the infection of sin that threatens to invade our “bones.”  Then allow the Holy Spirit to fill the clean, empty places and restore what has been broken.  Yes, it will cost you something and the procedure may involve a little pain but your life is worth saving and Jesus will be right beside you to hold your hand.

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