Thursday, September 5, 2013


The two most terrifying experiences for a child are being separated from a parent and darkness.  We understand the horror of finding yourself in a crowd of people and not seeing a familiar face, unaware that Mom is merely 2 steps to the right.  A terrified wail sounds an alarm and suddenly Mom is at your side, holding you close and drying your tears.  What about the darkness?  What makes shadows turn into monsters as the light fades?   It is all about clear vision.  As the night descends our ability to see things as they are, lessens.  The silhouette of a stuffed animal becomes a giant tiger, suddenly a breeze stirs a piece of clothing and it moves closer, every creak and bump is magnified until you are sure something is lurking directly under your bed.  Morning dawns, our vision is restored; the tiger becomes a “Beany Baby,” the monster, a shirt and you find there is nothing more menacing than a couple of “dust bunnies” under your bed.   If only we had Night Vision.
The terror by night doesn’t disappear with age, as adults we go through dark nights that sometime stretch into dark days.  It may be a sickness that has attacked your body.  Physicians have found that during an illness, symptoms are worse and seem to magnify during the nighttime.  Perhaps there is a situation in your life you are dealing with and it seems there is no solution.  It is so dark and you just wish someone would shine a small light your way.  You may find yourself struggling under a dark cloud of depression.  Not only do you fight the darkness but now a heavy load threatens to descend, crushing the life giving breath from your body.  You need Night Vision.

Our youngest son, Phil, was fascinated with gadgets.  We purchased our home in Saginaw, when he was 6 and the most exciting news he had to share with his teacher was “it had a garage door opener.”  So it was no surprise that when he got a little older he was sure his life would be awesome if he only had a pair of Night Vision Goggles.  I am sure his amazing imagination was going wild with all the adventures he could enjoy with goggles.  No, he never obtained a pair and his life has turned out pretty awesome without such an acquisition.  But stop and think…what if….What if during your darkest moment, God handed you a pair of Night Vision Goggles and you realized the tiger was just paper or the menacing noise was just wind blowing through the trees.  What if the night became as clear as the day?  What if we had Night Vision?
Very early, one morning, I was awake praying for a precious lady and her family, who are facing some dark nights and days.  God placed this series of scriptures on my heart to share and I realized that through Him we can have Night Vision.

Psalms 139:7-12 Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be light about me;
12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.
My spirit thrilled at verses 11 and 12, especially the last line, “The darkness and the light are both alike to You.”  What hope, what a Mighty God we serve; He even provides us with Night Vision Goggles!!!  Whatever situation you are facing, even if the wind is howling and the storm clouds are pressing down; when the darkness threatens to distort your vision, meditate on these words, “The darkness and the light are both alike to You.” Psalms 42:8 says, “In the night, His song shall be with me.”  So grab your Night Vision Goggles and start singing the “Song of the Lord.” It may begin as a far off twinkle but keep singing.  Soon you will find that the night has become “Light about you,” because “The darkness and the light are both alike to Him. God has given you Night Vision.

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