Thursday, March 14, 2013

SPIRITUAL THERAPY - Allowing God to Stretch You

“Your range of motion has been affected but with a few weeks of physical therapy, it can be restored.”  These were my Doctor’s recommendations after I demonstrated that I could no longer reach backward with my arm or extend it straight over my head due to shoulder inflammation.  My arm was still helpful in balance, carrying a load or pushing forward but for some things, I had learned to compensate.  Actually, I was so proficient in compensating that I had lost the ability to move my arm in certain directions; thus began my journey into the world of Physical Therapy.

I quickly learned that Physical Therapy was NOT a relaxing massage. Oh No, Physical Therapy = stretching = pain = sweat; ice packs became my friend.  During every session, for about an hour, I performed “Therapeutic Exercises.”  These exercises were all based on my effort; stretching, lifting, pulling, and pushing, using various machines, straps and isometrics.  Although, I stretched until the sweat popped out on my forehead, I quickly found that my willingness to push through the pain was limited.  For that I needed “Manual Therapy” from my Physical Therapist.  The only involvement required from me was submitting my entire arm to the therapist as he stretched it past the limits I was willing to go.  At first the pain was unbearable, I begged him to stop and vowed I would not return for the second session; but I did.  As the sessions continued, the pain became more bearable and my range of movement became closer to normal, until I suddenly found myself easily performing the tasks that had been impossible just a few weeks prior.

There have been times when my Spiritual “range of motion” has become affected for various reasons.  Perhaps the inflammation has come from the load of trying to “fix things” on my own instead of trusting in the Lord.  Or maybe my spirit had been bruised by a thoughtless comment or action. Scar tissue may have resulted from being unappreciated or ignored; whatever the cause, due to my proficiency in compensating for the pain, my zeal and desire to be of use to the Kingdom had deteriorated.  Oh, I wasn’t completely useless.  I was still faithful in church attendance, I still worshiped, smiled and offered a word of encouragement; I still loved God.  But God desires more.  He is merciful and is always reaching and drawing us unto Himself.  So one day it happened; I decided to submit to Spiritual Therapy.
The Spiritual Exercises became refreshing to my soul.  Once again I found fresh revelation in His Word and I allowed the healing flow of His presence to cover me during prayer.  There were areas, however, I could not or would not allow myself to push through; that is when Jesus, my Spiritual Therapist took over and the stretching began.  At times the pain was unbearable.  On my knees, I begged Him to stop.  “Dear God,” I cried, “I can’t do this anymore.”  But God never let up on me.  The gentle stretching continued until I found myself once again overflowing with joy, sharing His love and making myself vulnerable in service to the King.  I never again want to lose my Spiritual Range of Motion.  It takes daily stretching and spending time in His presence.  It means facing my humanness and letting God deal with the things in me I would prefer to ignore.  But it also means enjoying a free flow of His Spirit through me with no compensation.  Don’t allow yourself to become atrophied in the spirit but allow God to stretch and bend you to His will.

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