Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It was 4:00 a.m. and like all intelligent people, I was snuggled, safely in my comfy bed fast asleep. Suddenly, I was rudely awakened by something. Wide awake now, I listened. What had, without warning, jarred me from a deep sleep? There was no earthquake shaking the room, thunder booming, or an alarm ringing? Listening intently, I heard nothing. For years I have slept with a fan whirring in the room blocking all unwelcome noises; now there was no whirr, no hum from the refrigerator, no click as the clock changed time; the house was completely still. Slowly, I realized, the electricity was off and I was suddenly awaken by the Sound of Silence. After about 5 minutes, the electricity was restored and I drifted off to sleep with the comforting whirr of the fan in the background.

So many times, I have been drifting along, doing my thing and enjoying life. God is right there, softly whispering, guiding and encouraging me along the way. As I slip comfortably into the familiar routine, that still, small voice becomes merely background noise. I am faintly aware that God is there; handy if I really need something, but easily ignored as I continue moving through my day. Suddenly, I am jolted into reality by the Sound of Silence. I listen intently and I hear nothing. The comforting whispers have faded, the faithful Presence that always surrounds me has seemingly disappeared. Falling to my knees, I once again connect with the sweet, sweet Spirit of the Lord and rest in the comfort of His Everlasting Arms.

If the voice of God in your life has become just a hum in the background or perhaps there is complete silence and you cannot find the rest you need for your soul, it is time to reconnect. It may take some searching but God has promised in Jeremiah 29:13, And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart. God is not hiding from you; He is just trying to get your attention. He doesn’t want to be just comforting, background noise. He desires to be the voice that leads and guides you daily along the path He has prepared. Listen closely; soon the Sound of Silence will be shattered by His voice calling your name.

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