Monday, March 19, 2012


Shouts of joy and shrieks of laughter filled the room. Three year old Nathan and Five year old Caleb were experiencing all the fun Grandma’s house had to offer. Sword fights with Grandpa, yummy things to eat, games and puzzles to enjoy, when suddenly the arm of the sofa became a launching pad for a new game. This game quickly accelerated to a potentially dangerous point. The words of warning from Nathan’s Daddy fell on deaf ears as Nathan prepared for one more leap from sofa. Before true injury occurred, Daddy swiftly administered a minor correction, which hurt Nathan’s heart far more than his backside.

Brokenhearted, with tears flowing down his face, Nathan ran to his mom. It soon became apparent that the comfort he sought could not be found sitting on his mother’s lap. He decided to try Grandma and like all loving Grandmas I gathered him in my arms and wiped away his tears. Slowly, Nathan realized that even Grandma didn’t offer what he really needed. No, what he really desired was Daddy’s favor once again. He needed to know that Daddy wasn’t really angry and that the love he enjoyed was still available.

Many times, like Nathan, I have become so lost in the pleasure of doing things my way, that I fail to hear the gentle warnings God whispers to my heart. Following the perceived fun and laughter, the still small voice becomes lost in all the noise. Because of God’s great love for me and the fact that it is “not His will that any should perish,” He sometimes abruptly ends my “fun.” Too often, nursing my hurt feelings, I run away to the nearest comforter. Dissatisfied, I finally realize what I really need is to run to the arms of God. I want to know that He is not “mad” at me, that His unfailing love hasn’t ended and that forgiveness is still being extended.

Nathan slowly climbed off Grandma’s lap and walked toward his Daddy. After about 3 steps, he ran to his Daddy’s outstretched arms and received the assurance that Daddy still loved him but didn’t want him to be injured. Safe, snug and secure in Daddy’s arms, the tears disappeared and a sweet smile returned to Nathan’s face.

If you’ve been walking the wrong way and moving further and further from the everlasting arms, turn around! Jesus is waiting with outstretched arms; run to him! God is not mad at you, He loves you with an unfailing love and has been trying to get your attention and keep you from the destruction of sin. It isn’t the pleasure of sin or the comfort of the world that will satisfy your searching heart. True joy can only be found in “Daddy’s Arms.”

1 comment:

Connie Schmoll said...

This was beautiful, Susan! Daddy is so important in a child's life and it's so sad that we have so many dads in the world who don't realize that but I think it's because of how their upbringing was as well. Thanks for sharing this. God bless.