Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This testimony absolutely must be shared. Baby Shea is the daughter of Jon and BreAnna Hedlund and the granddaughter of our friends John and Darlene Soshea of Duluth, MN. As soon as it was posted on FB that Baby Soshea was in trouble, an Army of Prayer Warriors was marshalled around the world to bombard Heaven with nonstop petitions on behalf of Brea and Baby Shea. God is still on the throne and prayer still works. Here is their story.

By BreAnna Hedlund

Baby Shea was born August 30th @ emergency c-section! She was born having oxygen deprivation "Birth Hypoxia" lil girls heart stopped, had to do chest compressions, and really her outcome did not look well..... she was flown down to Amplatz Hospital within the 6 hour time period to be put on a cooling blanket. Mommy was waking up for surgery and didn't understand why her baby was being taken away. I want to tell you the survival stats....

Up to 62% die or have moderate to severe disabilities
Up to 30% have cerebral palsy
Up to 14% blind
Up to 6% are hearing impaired

My baby girl did not look good but we were going to fight, we were going to try this cooling blanket to hopefully slow down the damage this would have on her...... she was put in hypothermia mode for a full 72 hours... extremely hard for a mother and father to watch. Then after the 3 days she was slowly warmed back up, only to find that she was having a lot of problems. She had an EEG to check and see what all this damage of the oxygen deprivation had on her and if the cooling blanket was able to help at all...... our results were extremely horrific, the doctor called us both to her bed side and said, I do not have good news. Her test came back with EXTREME abnormalities, and we talked about all the things that this meant, horrible. the Doctor said we will run another test on Tuesday but at a max it may improve a little but it is so extremely abnormal I am so sorry to have to tell you....I asked is it possible that it could come back normal and she said I hate to say it but NO. I was crying and couldn't even stand, my baby girl this was not what I wanted to hear.

The next 3 days was long...... watching your lil girl with so many things we could already see that werent normal.... we decided that we were not going to accept this report from the doctors.... i couldn't...i knew a God that could heal my precious angel.... so we had already asked for prayers from around the world and asked for many more.... we had many prayers go up for her.... and for those of you that took the time to do so we are so extremely grateful to you for your prayers.... in these three days we had a prophetic word and vision of her given to us about her healing....and signs and signs of her healing! We wanted to see her healed today, but God knew his timing! The day before her test she still was having a lot of trouble, we weren't seeing any improvements, but continued in our faith! Tuesday came and she had her test, it took longer then the first one, the results took what seemed like forever! Finally the Doctor came to her lil bedside and said "I have amazing news for you guys, the EEG came back completely NORMAL!!!!!!!" How could this happen? I screamed, cried, fell to the ground thank God my husband was there, we really received this miracle that we had prayed and hoped for! Thank you GOD!!!!

We would like to send a special thank you to ALL of our Family for their support, love and visits! With out all of you and God we could not have made it through all this! Thank you for all the prayers, the fasting, and prayer nights that were held....we can not begin to express our gratitude! I want everyone to know that its all your prayers that the Lord heard! :) We want you to know all the texts, calls, facebook messages were a true blessing, we apologize we have been so busy with this we have not had a chance to respond. We appreciate all of you! Love you and we will continue to post her progress, she still has a little ways to go to get out of this but she is a MIRACLE! Thank you dear Lord for our Baby Soshea Brooklyn Hedlund!

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