Wednesday, September 14, 2011


One of the easiest ways to stick a knife in the heart of a professing Christian is to accuse them of being a hypocrite. At one time or another, every Christian has heard the statement, “And you call yourself a Christian!” Sometimes the question is deserved, other times it is just used against us because we tried to do the right thing and it made someone else feel guilty.  “Hypocrite” comes from the Greek word, “hypokrites” a stage actor or one who pretends to be what he is not. The church has been accused of being full of hypocrites and when you think about it, where else would they be? A person who does not believe in anything and doesn’t behave as if they believe in anything would never be accused of being a hypocrite and most likely never be found attending church. So, while the church may be full of hypocrites, most of us are just human trying to become more like Jesus.

Once you claim the Name of Jesus and have the courage to open your mouth, profess what you believe and align yourself with the Church, a test will present itself. Now the choice is yours, do you take the chance to be viewed as a hypocrite or is this an opportunity presented by God to give Him glory.

I will never forget an opportunity that came my way, many years ago. I had made a quick run to the neighborhood grocery store and as I unloaded the groceries into the trunk of my car, I noticed the cashier had put a gallon of milk into my cart that I had not purchased. My first thought was, I’m in a hurry, I have two little boys at home so praise God for the blessing and after all I didn’t put it in my cart. But God’s voice came through loud and strong, “you didn’t pay for it, someone else did” and “it isn’t your milk, it belongs to someone else.” I decided to do the right thing and bring glory to God even if no one would ever know. Back into the store I went with the gallon of milk. I gave it back to the cashier and explained that I had not paid for it so it must belong to someone else. She thanked me and as I turned around to go back to my car, I looked up into the eyes of my pastor. You never know who may be watching. There have been other opportunities of receiving too much change, keeping my mouth shut when I wanted to lash out or telling the truth although I knew the outcome would not be in my favor. Have I ever made the wrong choice and took the chance to be a hypocrite? Oh yes, but I would prefer not to talk about them and I have had to repent many times.

I believe that God tests us, not to prove anything to Him but to make us stronger and give us confidence that through the power of the Holy Ghost, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. This week I was again presented with the opportunity to act upon what I had professed. In the last month my husband and I have been put through a very hard and hurtful trial. It was not something we asked for because we were only trying to faithfully serve God. I believe that “all things work for the good of them that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose,” so with my mouth I professed the goodness of God and prayed for blessings upon those that had come against us with falsehoods and indifference to the will of God. It is all fine in theory but sometimes a different story when put to the test. I received word that God was sending someone to bless them this weekend. The feelings of hurt and frustration threatened to overtake me so I did the only thing I knew to do; fall on my knees in prayer. Would I curse, blame and run down the people who had done me wrong and take the hypocritical chance or would I bless, encourage, pray for them and bring glory to God. It took some wrestling back and forth but I chose to be a blessing to others and receive a blessing from God.

Every day you will be presented with choices that will satisfy your flesh or feed your spirit. If you choose to satisfy your flesh you may have to wear the label of Hypocrite but if you choose to feed your spirit and bring Glory to God, you will be blessed and wear the label of Overcomer. Revelations 21:7 He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

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