Thursday, April 21, 2011


As a pastor’s wife for several years, I’ve heard about every excuse for not serving God, missing church, or not being involved that can be invented. My sister, a fellow pastor’s wife and I have declared that some day we will compile all of this wonderful creativity and write a book. I’m positive it will be a best seller; we already have friends that are waiting to preorder their copy. Every time I believe there is nothing new that a person will think up, another excuse is added to my collection. Human ingenuity never ceases to amaze me.

I will never forget the day, my sister called with this one; it has become my favorite. Just before service that evening, a dear “saint” called to let the pastor know that she would not be able to be at church because she had to put the groceries away!!! Now I’m sure the Lord “understood.” After all, groceries are expensive, meat left on the counter for an extended period of time will stink up your house, our houses should be neat and orderly, etc. Unlike the Lord, however, I was speechless!!! Throw the perishables in the fridge, the non-perishables in the closet if you must and GET TO THE HOUSE OF GOD!

Luke 14 recounts the story of a man who had worked hard to prepare a nice dinner only to receive excuses from the invited guests. One had purchased some property and had to go check on it. Another had obtained five yoke of oxen and had to try them out. The third merely said, I have just gotten married and can’t come. The host was so angry that he ordered his servant to go out into the streets and bring in anyone who was hungry enough to accept his invitation. Perhaps, the problem is that we are not hungry enough for the things of God.

Abraham left all his family to follow God, not even knowing where he would finally settle down. The Children of Israel were ordered to be ready to leave immediately with their staff in hand and shoes on their feet. There would be no time to put away the groceries; this was their Night of Deliverance. When Jesus called the twelve disciples, the Bible records that Peter and Andrew “straightway” left their nets and followed Him. James and John “immediately” left their ship and father to follow Jesus. We also read where Matthew left his tax collecting table to follow Jesus, but how many people did Jesus invite to follow him that said, “Yes, Lord, but first let me put away the groceries?”

What are you allowing to take precedence over the call of God in your life? Perhaps it isn’t a yoke of oxen, a piece of property or sacks of groceries but what about a career, your children, your age or future experiences? When will we finally leave the groceries on the counter and say as Isaiah said, “Here am I; send me.” Make God your priority today. YOU ARE HIS!!!!

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