Friday, April 22, 2011


When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished:” and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. John 19:30

Sunday we will celebrate with Christians all over the world the most important day in history. Many, who have not been to church since last year’s Easter or Christmas service, will sit on our pews and hear the story of the resurrection. To all of us who have experienced redemption through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it isn’t just a story of an event long ago; it is the culmination of the plan of God that was set in motion from the foundation of the earth. Man had sinned, been judged guilty and sentenced to death. God loved His creation so much that He did not want to wipe us off the face of the earth. So God robed himself in flesh, came to earth as a baby, took all of our sins upon himself and died in our place; the story of Easter.

The Resurrection is such a personal event to me. My life has been dramatically changed because of the blood which flowed from Calvary. Jesus came to alter the destiny of mankind and no one who has a personal encounter with Him can remain as they were.

Lives were affected from the moment He was conceived. Mary and Joseph had all their life’s plans dramatically altered. No longer just another giddy engaged couple; they accepted the awesome responsibility of nurturing and raising the Son of God. Priests, scribes and Pharisees marveled at the wisdom of a 12 year old boy. The Bible mentions some of the women who were touched by Jesus in a time when women were overlooked by most of society. An encounter with a woman by the well in Samaria resulted in a testimony that brought many Samaritans to belief in Jesus Christ. Several came to Jesus because of a need and went away healed and made whole. Who can forget the woman who had been diseased with an issue of blood for 12 years? After spending all that she had and going to every physician she knew, a mere touch of the hem of His garment made her whole. There were many who were forever changed during the last week of Jesus’ life. Sadly, some would never accept the hope that he offered.

All through their lives, each of these individual could not escape what may have been a momentary encounter with Jesus, God robed in flesh. Some may have been haunted by the memory while others rejoiced in new found freedom, but all were changed.

I am so thankful that though the plan is finished, it didn’t end at Calvary or the empty tomb or with the death of the disciples and apostles. The final chapter hasn’t been written. Jesus is still changing lives, setting captives free and healing sick and wounded people. I had my personal encounter with Jesus Christ 44 years ago. I can tell you the day, the hour and the place where my life was forever changed. Let this be the Easter that you allow Him to touch you and change your life for all eternity.

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