Saturday, October 16, 2010


Our last Saturday morning as Michiganders dawned early. The truck and van were “stuffed to the gills” with all of the important and necessary last minute items that didn’t make it on the moving van. As I walked through the empty house for a final check, memories of laughter, holiday meals, football parties and grandkids camp flooded over me. But, no time to linger, it was now time for the new adventure to begin. A quick stop and a kiss for the Grand boys and we were on the road to Tennessee. I was excited for this new chapter in our lives to begin but I was not looking forward to driving alone for 10 hours. Steve took the GPS in his truck, I had a cell phone. My instructions were to stay on Highway 75 from Saginaw, MI to Knoxville, TN and follow the silver truck with the blue canvas flapping in the wind. Following Steve is never easy. No matter how hard I try, my mind will not allow my cruise control to go over a certain speed and his mind will not allow his cruise to go under a certain speed. I sat my cruise at the top of my comfort zone and fixed my eyes on the flapping blue canvas.

We had agreed to call if we needed to make a pit stop or got separated. The drive was going smoothly; I was listening to music, Michigan football and following the silver truck with blue canvas “flag” at a comfortable distance. The traffic in Cincinnati was unusually heavy. I was unable to change lanes when my leader truck changed and got stuck behind a slow moving camper. No problem, I could still see my blue beacon faithfully waving in the breeze. Suddenly, it disappeared around a curve. Not to worry, I would soon be around the curve and my guide would once again be in my sight. Rounding the curve I felt the apprehension rising; no silver truck. When you are in the middle of heavy traffic, driving 70 miles an hour, there is no place to pull over and no time to reach for the cell phone. To make matters worse, the highway suddenly split. PANIC TIME!!! What to do? Stay on road, follow his word and trust what you know is true. Steve’s word had assured me that I75 was the way to go; I knew that I75 ran from MI to FL and would take me to Knoxville, and I had my cell phone if I needed to make contact. Quickly changing lanes, I took the Highway 75 split, rounded the corner and there it was; a beautiful silver truck with a blue canvas flapping in the wind.

So many times, I have been happily traveling down the highway of life. I have Jesus in my sight leading the way with His Word is lighting my path. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a curve appears, I lose sight of my leader and to make matters worse I come to a crossroad. What to do? If you have ever faced this scenario, before the panic overwhelms you, “Stay on the road, follow His Word and trust what you know to be true.” Don’t pull over, Jesus is still ahead leading the way; if you stop now, the distance between you will only increase. Follow His word! Psalms 119:105 reminds us, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Glance down at your feet, see that little glow; that is His Word still lighting your path. Keep moving in that Light. This is the time to refresh yourself in the Word of God. Grab hold of the precious promises it contains and trust in what you know to be true. Remember you may not see the “canvas” flapping in the wind but you haven’t lost the connection, grab the cell phone of prayer and hit Jesus on the speed dial. He will answer every time. Soon you will round that curve, Jesus will once more appear in your line of sight and you will continue joyfully along the path.

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