Friday, July 27, 2018


2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.  

The enemy advances and the General prepares his troops for war.  They have drilled faithfully, their boots are shining, their weapons oiled and loaded; even the tanks have been washed and waxed.  The men and women stand at attention, hands saluting, waiting for orders as the General approaches.  A half-smile of satisfaction forms; the troops look perfect, everything is in place, ready for battle except for one vital detail…he forgot to formulate a strategic plan of attack.


The enemy advances and we prepare for war….but where is our strategic plan?  The enemy is not concerned with how beautiful and majestic our church buildings appears.  It doesn’t matter to him if the pews are filled with warm bodies every service; how beautiful everyone looks in their Sunday best or whether we sing hymns or the top 20 praise and worship.  He doesn’t notice our slate of programs or even pay much attention to the eloquent sermon…No all Satan and his minions are concerned with is infiltrating and distracting us from formulating a strategic plan of attack.
We have been concentrating on the trivial matters while the most important detail lies neglected and unfinished.

Do you have your armor ready?  Is your lamp clean and bright?  Have you been on your knees receiving the orders from our Leader?  Have you formed a strategic plan based on His Word?

The Weapons of our Warfare will become just beautiful artifacts if we don’t learn to use them; put on your helmet and armor, get the feel of the sword; pull on the boots and go through a few drills.  Check your lamp today; before the battle.  Has the oil level dropped?  Get back to the source and allow the Holy Spirit to overflow your vessel.  Spend the time listening, receiving and studying the strategic plan…NOW YOU ARE READY FOR BATTLE!!!

“You better look out Satan; look out.”

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