Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Psalms 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

“How could I forget that you’ve always been the King of the World.”  The refrain from this song by Natalie Grant ran through my mind in the predawn hours.

We worry; we fret; we try to figure things out because WE ARE IN CONTROL…but mostly its all a façade as things slowly crumble in our small kingdom.

When we are born, God bestows on each of us a kingdom to rule.  We are given control and the power to make each and every decision in this little kingdom that we rule…AND if the king/queen doesn’t get his/her way, the surrounding kingdoms can hear the stomping foot of protest vibrating throughout their small world.

Of course the prosperous, happier kingdoms understand that they only rule a “sub-kingdom” and they receive daily instructions and direction from the KING OF THE WORLD.

What about your kingdom?  Has it become like the child’s game?  You claim the hill and stand precariously at the top, knowing that one strong push will knock you down. OR…do you rule a beautiful kingdom that looks so good to those in surrounding kingdoms but in your heart you know you are sitting on the throne of a crumbling infrastructure…you’ve forgotten that  “HE’S ALWAYS BEEN THE KING OF THE WORLD.”

This morning take some time to put God in His rightful place and you in yours.  He belongs ON THE THRONE and you belong kneeling in submission to THE KING OF THE WORLD.  Allow Him to put your kingdom back on the solid foundation of His Kingdom. 

It’s your kingdom and you have the POWER to put Him in CONTROL!

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