Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Time for morning devotion.  In my usual position…check; Bible handy…check; music playing softly…check; comfy pillow…check; everything in place; everything normal…ready to begin.

As I began my prayer routine, the praise then the petitions, my voice was suddenly stilled and this dropped into my spirit, “I am waiting for the Amen!”

SAY WHAT?????  Are you saying I can get up now?  That I’ve prayed long enough?  That I’ve satisfied all the requirements and you are about to answer all my prayers?

AND GOD SAID…. “I am waiting for the Amen!”

According to the Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, AMEN means to take care, to be faithful, reliable or believable.  It is also used in the Bible to confirm a statement or as the popular, accepted definition, “SO BE IT!”

Most of us end our prayers of petition, praise, thanksgiving and repentance with the word, “AMEN,” without a thought to its meaning.  It has become more of a “sign-off” word…see you later; till next time; have a nice day; same time tomorrow.  And God who knows the very intent of our heart sees right through to the very intent of our usage of the AMEN….and He continues to wait for the AMEN spoken in sincerity and humbleness of heart.

What has God spoken to you lately?  What promises are you still waiting to see come to pass? What “Frustration of Hope” are you experiencing as your patience wears thin?  Perhaps God has just been WAITING FOR THE AMEN!

AMEN…I will “take care” of all the preparation necessary to receive Your Promise into my life.

AMEN…I will be faithful to You and trust in Your Faithfulness to me even when My Promise comes in ways I never imagined.

AMEN…You can rely on me to be available for You to work through and accomplish this part of Your plan.

AMEN…I will accept my assignment with humbleness as a servant because You have believed in me and entrusted me with this piece of Your heart.

AMEN…Not my will but Your will be done…SO BE IT!


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