Thursday, September 28, 2017


Ecclesiastes 3:15 That which is has already been, and what is to be has already been; and God requires an account of what is past

Every day we are writing and producing the Legacy that will eternally bear our name.  When you are passed from this life, what will be the first thought, word or memory that will enter the mind of those to whom your name will be spoken?  What stories will be passed down to your great-grandchildren?  Will they be fraught with misdeeds and bad choices or full of faith, giving glory to God? 


This morning’s news announced the death of the famous playboy, Hugh Hefner.  In the reporter’s words, his legacy was framed with these words, “The man that turned many little boys and young men into temporary thieves.”  Would any of us want that epitaph on our tombstone?

Oh but it went so much further than thievery….This is a man that using one of the most powerful tools in Satan’s arsenal, provided an avenue to destruction for so many.  I have received many emails and letters documenting the destruction left behind as young men’s hearts and lives were forever changed by Mr. Hefner’s legacy.  

Women were objectified and the women themselves traded their self-respect and purity for momentary fame.  Homes and marriages have been and are in the process of being destroyed, children have been sentenced to single-parent homes and wives struggle with self-esteem and being good enough.  No, I would say that even today, as Mr. Hefner waits to face God, this is not the legacy he wanted to leave.

Before you accuse me of judging and remind me that only God has the right to judge, let me say, Mr. Hefner’s choice and actions have already judged him, just as our choices and actions judge us.  The only way we can get the sentence commuted is through the Blood of Jesus.

Every one of us will stand before God bearing an “Account of our Life.”  When it is opened, what will be found?  An Account full of emptiness….empty promises, empty achievements, empty accolades from this world, broken families, lonely children, destroyed lives OR…. An Account that was settled long ago!

An account wiped clean by the Blood of Jesus; an account full of the Holy Spirit; an account of leading and guiding our families in the ways of God; an account of lovingly pointing others to Jesus Christ; an account of daily glorifying God!


Place the pen of your life in the Hands of the One who created you.  Allow Jesus Christ to write the legacy you leave behind.  Allow Him to work through you to create the memories of your exploits…Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all those yet to be born are counting on you.

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