Friday, March 31, 2017


Hebrews 6:19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast and which enters the Presence behind the veil.

Standing on the deck of our condo, I look over Pensacola Bay, there is a soft breeze, causing the waves to lap softly onto shore; such a beautiful view and a soothing sound.  A small boat rocks gently, anchored to one of the many buoys scattered up and down the shoreline as the rising sun dances over the water, mingling streaks of pink and orange with the blues and greens.  Doesn’t that sound like a “calendar-worthy” picture?  It is this morning but last night was a different story.

Last evening, the skies grew dark and started to rumble; the soft breeze became a stiff wind and the sound of waves hitting the shore, changed from a “gentle lap” to an “angry slap.”  Suddenly, three men rushed down to the beach and out into the water…WHAT???? Didn’t they know there was a storm…CRAZY SPRINGBREAKERS!

Maybe they were a little crazy but they were also on a mission…the small boat had come loose from the buoy that held it anchored and the strong wind was blowing it toward the dock where soon it would crash.

I watched one man jump in the boat to start it, while the other two stood in the water steering it away from the dock.  Finally, they got the boat started and fighting the wind and angry waters of the Bay, were able to re-anchor the boat to a buoy far away from the dangerous dock.

Such is life…As we bounce along on the “Sea of Life,” gently swaying, enjoying the rising sun on our face, we don’t realize that our moorings have loosened.  We look around and spy the anchor buoy drifting nearby and settle back, unconcerned, until….the skies darken and a storm blows into our life.  Suddenly, the anchor fades and the dock looms threatening as the cruel winds carry us swiftly toward destruction.

We cry out and He is there…Right in the MIDST OF THE STORM, Jesus will get in your boat.  He has been listening for your cry and just waiting to steer you back to the anchor.
Sometimes we don’t realize we have come loose from the anchor, until a storm begins to blow all around. 

Check your moorings, today; while the sun is shining and the breezes are gentle.  Are the ropes becoming a little frayed? Has the slackness increased?  Has the distance between the anchor buoy and the dangerous dock changed?  If you have just been drifting oblivious to conditions, make the necessary corrections NOW…DON’T WAIT FOR THE STORM!

“In the Eye of the Storm, you remain in control
In the Middle of the War, you guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me, in the Eye of the Storm.” (Ryan Stevenson)

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