Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Early morning musings and meditations….

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.

Have you ever encountered those people that just have a knack for making you feel small and insignificant?  I have!!!  
And if you are around them for any length of time, you actually begin to believe them. I did!!!

It is especially true in ministry.  You know that God has called you to something “great” but the results don’t turn out “great.”  With eager anticipation, you attend a conference, but it isn’t long until you allow yourself to retreat to that familiar “small” place because Pastors are honored and celebrated and you no longer or perhaps have never pastored a church.  Or maybe you have the privilege of loving and shepherding a very few of God’s precious children and you are not seeing the growth and hundreds of conversions of your dreams…you feel “small.”

THEN…God allows someone to come into your life that celebrates you and the gifting and ministry to which you have been called and you realize…that they are reflection of the exact way God sees you.  In God, there is nothing “small.”  We are LABORERS TOGETHER!

God views every ministry, talent, gift, and effort as a “BIG” puzzle piece of HIS KINGDOM!  And He values and honors every person. 

THINK ABOUT IT…Your calling came from GOD HIMSELF…How “BIG” is that?

Allow God to work through you today, whether in a congregation, on the job, visiting with a neighbor or even at the mall.  He has a purpose for you TODAY and as you minister to His precious people, HEAVEN CELEBRATES YOU!

Have a blessed day.

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