Monday, August 24, 2015


You know, those times after a long day of toil, you find the sweet spot on the mattress, get your pillow just right and settle in for a well deserved rest. It seems you have just closed your eyes, when the alarm sounds.  You hit the “snooze button” and drift off for a few more minutes, not really sleeping, just slumbering.  Eventually the alarm will sound again and no matter how many times you hit “snooze,” the clock’s relentless buzz at precise intervals will cause you to vacate the comfort of a mattress, pillows, and blankets, to face the day that lies ahead.

The American Christian Church has been hitting the “snooze button,” living in peace and restful ease for too long. It seems we have found the “sweet spot” and are just content to co-exist with the many philosophies of the world.  We don’t want to be controversial by taking a vocal or public stand; after all, “God knows our heart.” 

Like the parable of the “Ten Virgins,” in the final hours before the bridegroom appears, we have settled down into slumber; resting from our days of pursuing vital interests, goals and dreams.  Remember, all ten of the Virgins believed in the Bridegroom but when the call came, five awoke to find that they had allowed their lamps to burn out and the oil was gone.  Although the other five slumbered also, they had made sure that their lamps were full of precious oil. 

There are so many believers that have grown weary waiting for the Bridegroom, content with the traditions and rituals of religion. “Having a form of Godliness” has lulled them into slumber, successfully masking the slowly dying flame of their lamps, burning up their last drop of oil.  Although there is still time to fill up their lamps before the Bridegroom appears, their eyes grow heavy and like the “foolish virgins,” they continue to hit the “snooze button,” oblivious to the lateness of the hour.

Don’t forget, the parable also told us about the Five Wise Virgins. I believe there are many of us that are at ease and maybe even a little sleepy but we are still actively engaged enough to make sure the oil remains in our lamp.  We long to be in the presence of the Bridegroom.  We have never forgotten or lost our grip on His promise, John 14:3-4 I go to prepare a place for you.  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

Every tick of the clock brings the Midnight Hour just a little closer.  The “wake-up” call is sounding; STOP hitting the “snooze button.”  It is time to “Rise and Shine,” and trim our lamps; “BEHOLD, THE BRIDEGROOM COMES!!”

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