Tuesday, December 16, 2014


If you are connected to my face book page, you have read my posts encouraging everyone to give this Christmas season to the many needs and worthwhile causes and allow God to bless someone else through you.  After my latest post, I received an email from one of my dear friends, stating that she wanted to be a blessing but was living on very limited finances and did I have any ideas of ways she could still bless others.  I accepted the challenge and began to think of ways to give to others with zero dollars.

Here are a few ideas and I’m sure my readers have many they could add to the list.  First think of things that come natural to you, things you have mastered and things you enjoy doing; these are your talents and are meant to be shared instead of buried.  Then, allow your mind to come up with creative ways to use all of those talents to bless a friend.  Maybe you have a love for children, offer to babysit for a couple of hours while a young mother finishes her Christmas shopping or a deserving couple enjoys a date night.  Perhaps a friend is recovering from an illness; provide a more comfortable setting for recovery by offering to clean their house or wash their laundry.  Do you know a shut-in that would just love to have a visit?  Your gift is your attention as you sit and listen to them talk for a few hours.  Offer to help someone organize old photographs, take a couple of brightly wrapped shoe boxes and note cards as dividers and you will be amazed at the blessing you both received by a day of reminiscing and storytelling.

Are you a great cook?  Offer your services as “Chef for a Day.”  Your friend supplies the ingredients and you cook their gourmet dinner.  Offer to bake Christmas cookies for a working mom, she can supply the necessary items and you supply the know how and energy; what a blessing to her whole family, that Mom can swing by your house on her way home from work and surprise everyone with fresh homemade Christmas goodies.  Have a group of friends over for coffee and recipe sharing; each person makes their favorite recipe and brings it to share along with printed copies of the recipe.

Does everyone rave about your beautifully wrapped packages, your professionally decorated tree or nostalgic fireplace mantle arrangement?  It may come easy to you but some of us are challenged in this area.  Suggest to someone that you will come over and teach them the “Art of Gift Wrapping” or help them decorate their tree or mantle.  Even better, look at all of the ornaments and decorations you have collected over the years and no longer use, take them to a friend who may not be having such a merry Christmas and help her decorate and brighten up her life.

You may say, I no longer have patience with children, my cooking skills begin with a can opener and end with a microwave, I have no imagination and could use a decorator for my own house; what about PRAYER?  Be somebody’s Prayer Partner.  There is no greater blessing than knowing you have a friend who is praying for you.  Send a card or an email with an encouraging message.  Receiving a surprise message of encouragement will brighten someone’s day and may help change a situation.  Yesterday, a sweet friend posted on my wall that she “loved me dearly.”  I went through the rest of my day humming a tune and on top of the world.  It doesn’t take too much of your time but it could make a difference to someone who is struggling with life.

The best gift you can give anyone is the GIFT OF YOU, your time, your attention, your smile.  Many times we opt to give money because it is easier, we can quickly check that one off our list, and the effort is minimal when compared to a gift of time.  I challenge every one of my readers, join me this Christmas season to spread a little cheer in more creative ways.  I look forward to hearing all the reports of people you have blessed and the money you have saved by just giving YOU!

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