Thursday, November 13, 2014


Before I begin this blog, I must establish two facts:

1.   I have lost the same weight at least 10 times over my life.
2.  I raised 2 boys that see life through a reality lens and have never sugar-coated anything.

It was a Monday morning and so of course my mind was on the start of a new week and maybe trying to start another “healthy eating” plan.  Because I am one of the world’s greatest multi-taskers, I was finishing up a cup of coffee, scanning face book and watching the morning news all at one time.  A familiar testimonial ad for a diet plan was playing on the television and the thought entered my caffeine-awakened brain, “I would do anything to look like her.”  Instantly, the phantom voices of my two boys interrupted my musings with, “No you wouldn’t Mom, because all you have to do is eat healthy and exercise.”  Well there went that fantasy and the voices were absolutely correct….after counting the cost, I was found to be a few dollars short!

A few years ago, I was walking with my daughter-in-law, when I saw the most beautifully landscaped lawn.  I remarked, “Oh I would love to have a yard like that.”  She replied, “Yes, me too, if I had someone to take care of it.”  (Amazing, my realist son has a realist wife.)  Obviously, the cost of the beautiful landscape was one she was not willing to pay.  Too many times we yearn for the finished product, after the price has been paid, unwilling to draw from our own treasures to cover the cost.

In the Word of God, there are many examples of men and women who COUNTED THE COST, then made their decision.  Matthew, Mark and Luke relate the story of a “Rich Young Ruler.”  He had a desire to prepare for the future and so he asked Jesus how he might inherit eternal life.  Jesus spoke to him of following the commandments, to which he proudly replied, “All these things I have kept from my youth.”  But the ledger was not yet balanced, so Jesus continued, “Sell all you have, give to the poor and come follow me.”  Luke 17:23 records the young ruler’s decision, after counting the cost, “But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.”  After counting the cost for eternal life, the Rich Young Ruler made the decision; Eternal Life was not worth the price!

The Bible also records the story of a beautiful young Jewish woman named Esther.  She had been taken captive by the Babylonians and she lived with her uncle, Mordecai in the citadel of Shushan.  The king was looking for a new wife, so after a year of preparation, Esther was presented to the king.  The king looked upon her with favor, choosing her to be his new wife.  It came to the attention of Mordecai that one of the kings trusted men was plotting to kill all of the Jews and he had to be stopped.  Mordecai convinced Esther to petition the King for favor and to save her people, the Jews, from annihilation.  After fasting for 3 days, Esther went, unbidden, into the king’s presence, knowing her action could carry a “death penalty.”   The story continues with the king holding out the golden scepter to Esther and consequently saving the Jewish people, living in the kingdom.    The last line of Esther 4:16 tells the real story of Queen Esther, “And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”  Esther had Counted the Cost and was more than willing to Pay the Price!

Throughout our lives, it is so easy to look at a possession or the achievement of a friend and think to ourselves, “I would give anything to….” And all the while, we have no idea the cost of their perceived success. If we could see their “Ledger,” would we consider the cost too great?  Luke 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—Before you make any decision for your life, obey Luke 14:28; Sit down, count the cost, then make your decision! 

The next time you utter the words, “I would give anything…” do a little digging, what is the ASKING PRICE and what are you WILLING TO PAY!!!

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