Thursday, October 16, 2014


I stumbled, sleepily to the sink, desperately needing that first cup of coffee.  As I turned on the water to fill the Keurig, a nasty smell cleared the fog from my brain.  The sink was clean, checking the trash can under the sink revealed nothing.  What was hiding in my kitchen?  Once more leaning over the sink, the smell took my breath away and the truth hit me; the garbage disposal needed to be cleaned out.  A couple of days ago, I had rinsed off the dinner plates and scrubbed the sink but I had forgotten to flip the switch to clear out the disposal and wash its contents down the sewer.  A garbage disposal is a wonderful kitchen tool to rid your house of unwanted food garbage but if you don’t flip the switch daily to clear out the unwanted fragments, you will eventually have a bigger problem in your kitchen today than you had yesterday.
How many times have we pushed aside the garbage that accumulates in our life every day, cleaning up the surface but forgetting the important next step; clearing out the garbage disposal.  You may go on happily through life for a few days and then at the most inopportune time, you notice a stench emanating from deep within.  You thought you had gotten rid of it but there were little bits and pieces lying there, putrefying, and just waiting to invade your life once again.  It is time to flip the switch and clear out your personal garbage disposal.
We can fool ourselves and those around us for a time but eventually the garbage that we have just set aside and forgotten to get rid of will make itself known.
Luke 6:4 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Check yourself, do your words carry an unpleasant aroma; sarcastic and cutting instead of edifying?  What about your attitude?  Are you guilty of “stinkin’ thinkin’” instead of hope and thanksgiving?  Even your actions can tell the tale of a full garbage disposal; you begin to consider your own lusts and desires instead of following the Will of God.  Don’t despair, there is an easy solution; FLIP THE SWITCH!!!
Prayer is a beautiful cleanser for our personal “garbage disposal.”  Spend a little time allowing God to give you a thorough cleansing.  He will take away the garbage of the day, the hurts and slights, the aggravations and even the little things we allow to discourage and weigh us down.  Then as an added benefit, God sprinkles on a little Grace to keep you smelling sweet.  You will feel fresher and those closest to you will begin to notice the pleasant aroma of God’s love that emanates from deep inside.  It is time to CLEAN OUT THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL!  Don’t wait, the smell will just get worse; DO IT TODAY!!!

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