Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I discovered Jonathan Cahn and his bestselling book, The Harbinger, in early 2012.  It was a fascinating read and one I found hard to put down.  Since that time I have shared the book with my husband, friends, family and church friends. I was brought to tears listening to Rabbi Cahn’s address at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast and again at the 9/11 Day of Remembrance Prayer Service.  I believe that as a Jewish believer in Jesus Christ, Rabbi Cahn has a special insight into Old Testament scripture and has been especially anointed by God to bring a message of warning to other believers in this very hour.

The Harbinger Decoded video is a compilation of the highlights of his book, The Harbinger.  It gives the viewer a condensed version of each of the  harbingers contained in the book, their meaning and the parallels between the Old Testament warning of judgment on Israel and the modern warning of judgment on the United States that began with the terrorist attack of 9/11.  I believe as Rabbi Cahn states that God gives warnings to His people to draw them to repentance and back into right relationship with Him.  As he states, it is up to God’s people to humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways; only then can America experience the revival that God desires to pour out on His people. 

I recommend buying both The Harbinger Decoded and The Harbinger; read them and pass them on.

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