Friday, January 18, 2013


The sermon ended and worshippers gathered around the altar at the close of Sunday Morning service.  Sitting in the pew that morning with Caleb, Nathan and Maicie, I leaned forward to pick up a pencil for Nathan.  I turned just in time to see her blond curls disappear into the crowd.  2 year old Maicie had suddenly caught a glimpse of Grandpa and she was determined to make her way to him.  I watched as her little arms nudged a small opening to squeeze through, she pressed her way through the sea of adults, until finally her tiny hand patted his leg; Maicie had Grandpa’s full attention.  Her little arms tight around his neck and a look of satisfaction shining on her face, Maicie was exactly where heart desired to be, lifted high above the crowd, safe in Grandpa’s arms.  
In Mark 5, we read of a woman who had been sick for 12 long years.  She had spent all she had going from doctor to doctor trying to get relief.  I’m sure there were many who offered home remedies and concoctions, prayed for her and probably even tried to drive away evil spirits, but to no avail.  Verse 26 says that no matter which doctor she sought or what remedy they prescribed, “she was no better, but grew worse.”  I’m not sure why she happened to be in the crowd that day, perhaps someone had mentioned that Jesus was coming; but on this day, she was determined.  It might not have been the proper thing to do and was actually forbidden by the law to touch Him in her condition, but once her eyes caught a glimpse of Jesus, hope began rising and she started to press toward her goal.  She nudged her way through the crowd, squeezing through any opening, until finally with her last ounce of strength; she reached out and touched the hem of His garment.  For one moment all of Heaven stood still, she had Jesus’ full attention.  Mark 5:30 says, And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched My clothes?”  The little woman came and fell at His feet, her joy was complete and she was healed.
There are times in our life when we just need to be in His presence but it seems that there are too many distractions, issues and responsibilities crowding in; hiding His face from view.  DON’T GIVE UP; LOOK UP!!! If you can catch a glimpse of Jesus, determination will take over.  As you squeeze your way past the issues and nudge the distractions out of your path, you may get jostled a bit and even pick up a bruise or two, but keep pressing.  Finally, you are at His feet. Reach out one last time; from somewhere deep inside, find the strength to offer one more sacrifice of praise. Suddenly, you have His full attention; you’ve touched Him.  Let the loving arms of the Savior hold you close, wipe away your tears and calm your fears.  He is everything your heart desires; you are right where you belong.

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