Monday, November 15, 2010


When you began to walk, I wanted to keep you from falling, I could not so I stood by ready to pick you up, bandage the scrapes and kiss away the tears. When it was time for you to enter kindergarten, I wanted to protect your young ears and eyes from the influences of an evil world, I could not so I taught you to turn away from evil and toward the beauty of God. When you joined your friends on the playground, I wanted to protect you from the bullies, the teasing and their hurtful words, I could not so I provided a loving home you could always run to and told you about a “friend that would never leave you or forsake you.” As you approached adulthood, I wanted to keep you from failing, but I could not, so I taught you to get up and try again, that the mercies of God are new every morning and by never giving up you would achieve success. As you began to win and life’s success came your way, I wanted to protect you from the pitfalls of pride, I could not so I taught you to be thankful and give all Glory to God. Now you are a man and I would still like to protect you from the world, but I cannot so I stand by and watch with a prayerful heart as you prepare your children to deal with their own scrapes and bruises.

On Saturday, my youngest son, Phil and his wife Holly faced the hardest trial of their life; saying goodbye to their little son, Timothy Lee. I wanted to run, pick him up and kiss away the tears but I could not so in prayer I asked our Heavenly Father to surround him with His love. I knew that my sadness at the loss of my little grandson could not compare to the grief Phil and Holly were experiencing as their tiny son was born. Sunday afternoon, Phil posted the following words to his friends and family:

Unfortunately, we have sad news to report. On Saturday, Holly and I found that the baby we were expecting died in utero 16 weeks into the pregnancy. Holly delivered little Timothy Lee Niswonger on 11/13 at 4:24 pm. As I held him, I knew that he had been created by the very hand of God. We appreciate all of your prayers as we get through this. Praise be to God.”

The tests we face in life are never the specific events but our response to the events. Phil, I have never been more proud of you as I watch your strength and faith in action during this most difficult time. I may not be able to bandage the scrapes, wipe away the tears or make the pain go away but I know that you will keep holding to God’s unchanging hand and that He will guide you through the dark nights to the joy of the morning.

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