Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I love to browse the bargain shelves at the Family Book Store. I usually come home with 2 or 3 books. Some end up in the garage sale, half read, others become dog eared, highlighted and quoted because they speak to an area of my life that has been neglected. Last week I picked up such a book. The book was fiction, which is not usually my reading choice, but it was by an author, I enjoy, who also writes nonfiction and it was only $5. The book proved to be an amazing find and I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to fall on my knees, call up my loved ones and start rereading it all at the same time. Now that your curiosity is at an all time high, the book is “Rescued” by John Bevere. It is worth reading even if you have to pay more than $5, it will make you stop and think and possibly even change your thinking.

The main character is a minister of a mega church and his son. I won’t go into all the details because you really need to read the book for yourself, so I will just say the following: It is so easy to justify our actions based on our service to God. We have a great responsibility to those in our sphere of influence. God sees past the service deep into the secret recesses of our heart and mind. Anything you refuse to give to God, you will eventually have to face; either in this life or eternity. Most important you still have time to change anything that’s not in line with God’s plan.

If by God’s grace I knew this was my last day on earth, I would spend a good portion of it examining everything in my heart and make sure it had all been confessed, repented of and was under the blood of Jesus Christ. Then if God, told me, “You have just 10 more minutes to speak to your loved ones. Say anything you want but whatever you say, they will remember the rest of their lives.” Here is what I would say:

God loves you. His love is unconditional but salvation is conditioned upon your obedience to God’s Word.

Your life will be better if you follow God, because you will always have a friend walking with you.

Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Follow these two commandments all your life and you will have no trouble being in the Will of God.

Daily prayer and Bible reading won’t save you, but it will make the journey a whole lot easier.

Be swift to ask for forgiveness and even more swift to offer forgiveness.
You can’t change yesterday and you don’t know what surprises tomorrow will hold, so don’t waste a moment of today.

Let God measure your successes and correct your failures.

If you let your possessions define you, you will have missed out on God’s greatest blessing--relationships.

Your Godly heritage is a precious treasure. You will determine how much of it is passed to the next generation.

Heaven and Hell are equally real and your life on earth determines which one you choose for eternity. Remember, Heaven is not automatic.

Your life is a precious gift from God and you are a precious gift to me. I will always be thankful for the time on earth we shared. Make sure you choose Heaven because I want to spend eternity with you too.

I still have a minute left, I would like to pray a special blessing over you and as I step into eternity, hold my hand.
What would you say if you had only 10 more minutes? Think about it; write it down, or better yet, LIVE IT EVERYDAY!!!!

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