Saturday, August 22, 2009


It has been a crazy busy summer that is finally winding down. We have been enjoying our 2 new grandbabies, Nathan Philip who is almost 4 months old and Anabel Joy who just turned 2 months old. Steve and I have enjoyed visiting and guest preaching at different churches pastored by our wonderful friends. It is always refreshing to worship with the people of God.

We just finished our 2nd annual Niswonger Grandkid's Camp with 5 year - old Mackenzie, 3 year - old Madison and 2 year - old Caleb. Everyday was an exciting adventure. Our life has finally settled down into a familiar routine once again. At age 51, routine is a good thing.

I am looking forward to starting an 8 week bible study on God's blessing with Pastor Murdock's church in Bay City, MI and sharing my insights on the subject with a Ladies group in Muskegon, MI in September. I hope to get some writing done and develop another Bible study that is on my heart.

Thank you for checking back to my blog now and then. I'm sorry I haven't written more regularly this summer, I hope to be more disciplined in the coming months.

God bless all of you and enjoy the next few weeks of summer. Soon the snow will fly, the brisk winds will blow and the summer's heat will be just a memory.

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