Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I had wrestled all night, praying off and on for some people and situations I care about. Then to top it off, about 3:00 in the morning, the creative juices started flowing. My brain would not shut down. Ideas for blogging and finishing my Bible Study kept bombarding me from all sides. I’ve learned to just let nights like this happen. Actually, I rather enjoy them.

Have you ever noticed that restless nights always settle down about an hour before the alarm goes off? I peeked through sleepy eyes at the glowing clock; 6:05, only 25 minutes until my day would begin full force. “Please God,” give me 20 more minutes, I whispered as I drifted off into dreamland. Suddenly, my eyes flew open! Wide awake I reached for the clock; 6:24 a.m. A soft smile lit my face as I realized how much He cares for me. I had been given another 20 minutes; 19 minutes of perfect rest and the extra minute to bask in His love.

The fact that God cares about every little thing that affects my life never ceases to amaze me. Don’t ever think there is something too insignificant or mundane that God doesn’t want to hear about. Go ahead; ask Him for your 20 more minutes!

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