Wednesday, January 14, 2009


“I am so tired”, I cried during my morning devotions. “I can’t take another whiner”, I whined. “Where’s mine?” “When do I ever get some?” My kids won’t listen to me, the neighbor didn’t wave, our congregation is getting smaller and even the dog is sick. It sounds so childish and petty on paper, but this was my prayer, as tears ran down my face. It had been one of those weeks. Starting Monday morning at the Rescue Mission, I had delivered a message of encouragement, prayed and talked with people who are in unimaginable situations; every email was about someone needing prayer and the problems they were facing, every phone call was a downer.

The most dangerous time of the race had occurred. Fatigue had set in; I had hit the wall. This is the time when it is more attractive to quit then continue to victory. Believe me, the thought ran through my head. It seemed every time I tried to encourage one, two more needing encouragement popped up. “Lord, could you please put it in someone’s heart to call me?” A “thinking of you” email would be nice. Maybe there is someone besides Mom who woke up with me on their mind. But there were no phone calls, no pick-me-up emails, not even a card in the mail. Fortunately, I lingered in “prayer” that morning and God is always faithful.

That still small voice began to trickle through the self-pity. God reminded me that all He has is mine. Why would He send a substitute to bless and encourage me, when I can walk right in to the throne room for a personal audience with the King? Once again I felt that warm, comforting presence that only God can give. As I lingered in His embrace, the tears continued to flow, but this time they were a cleansing force, my praise overrode the whining and gratefulness filled my heart.

If you are feeling a little ignored today or feel like it’s time you “got yours,” remember “yours” comes straight from the Father. He loves you so much that a middle-man isn’t good enough to deliver your blessing.

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