Sunday, November 2, 2008


On Tuesday, Americans will go to the polls to cast their vote for the next President of the United States. I believe this will be the most important election in my lifetime. The people we choose to place in power will have lasting effects on our culture and liberties.

Our Constitution provides for three branches of government with distinctly different responsibilities. The Executive Branch is responsible for enforcing the laws. The Legislative Branch is to make the laws and it is the duty of the Judicial Branch to interpret the constitutionality of the laws. In today’s government, the duties have become skewed. We have the Legislative branch holding hearings and issuing subpoenas and the Judicial branch legislating from the bench making it impossible for the Executive branch to carry out its enforcement responsibilities. Many feel this president will possibly appoint up to 4 Supreme Court Judges. John McCain has stated that he will appoint strict constructionist’s judges. Judges who will interpret the law according to the wording laid down in the constitution by our founding fathers. Barack Obama has stated that he believes a judge has to bring in his or her own perspectives, ethics or moral bearings. He also believes that a judge should be sympathetic enough to those who are on the outside, those who are vulnerable, those who are powerless, those who can't have access to political power and as a consequence can't protect themselves from being dealt with sometimes unfairly. While the rhetoric may sound appealing, bringing your own moral bearings, ethics and sympathy into constitutionality decisions is not included in the powers of the Judiciary branch.

You are not just casting a vote for a personality; you are casting a vote based on your morals and core values. There are clear differences in philosophy that will affect many of the things we hold sacred; life, marriage, rewards for success, our children’s economic future, building a strong nation of achievers or producing a nation of government-dependent citizens.

Your vote on Tuesday cannot change your relationship with God but it can change the American way of life. Prayerfully consider your vote on Monday, then go to the polls on Tuesday and cast your vote as a proud American.

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