Saturday, September 6, 2008


The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are over and the stage for the next two months has been set. As you know if you read my blog from last January, I am a staunch Republican-American. I watched both conventions with equal interest and was struck by the stark contrast. They helped to confirm exactly why I vote for the Republican Candidate and fear for the future of America if the Democratic Candidate is elected.

I have been accused of believing that you will go to hell for not voting Republican. While I do not believe you will go to hell, I believe you will not live as rich a life with a Democrat in office and we will all cry “Come quickly Lord Jesus.” On a more serious note here are my observations after watching hours of convention coverage and listening to several speakers give voice to their Party’s platform.

1. The Democratic Party needs a constituency of powerless victims to authenticate their very existence. The Republican Party requires a constituency of victors with a visionary entrepreneurial spirit with whom no achievement is impossible when liberated from governmental interference. The Democratic Convention was based on a bad economy, citizens sitting around the kitchen table bemoaning the cost of gasoline, the lack of health care, unpaid mortgages and environmental issues which threaten to destroy the planet. We were told how the government will cause a utopia to arise out of all this chaos. They will provide you with health care, provide affordable, alternative fuels for you (of course you won’t be able to afford corn to eat), guarantee that if you get over your head in debt, you won’t have to take responsibility and provide free preschool (day care) for children 3 years and up, so that you not only don’t have to be concerned with the child you didn’t bother to abort, but you also don’t have to worry about filling their heads with your values and morals. Oh no, the government will take care of all of that for you.

The Republican Party on the other hand inspired hope and a better future for our children based on the greatness of America, The Land of Opportunity. We were encouraged to stand and fight for a cause greater than ourselves. We were urged to be successful, reach for the stars without fear of the government appropriating 50% of our success.

2. The Democrat’s answer to every problem is to take money from successful people and redistribute it to the unsuccessful. It is to tax corporations until they go out of business, thus depriving people of lucrative jobs and add to their base of constituents. Is it ignorance or deception that allows them to believe that business taxes are absorbed by the company and not passed onto the consumer in the form of higher prices?

The Republican Party believes that promoting a business-friendly atmosphere will attract new ventures and create more opportunity for everyone. They do not believe that wealthy Americans should be punished for their success but be encouraged to become more successful as they grow and generate more jobs. As it has been said, “No one ever got a job from a poor person.” The Conservative Republican position states that corporations should be encouraged to invest their profits in research and innovation to increase the American standard of living and there should be no penalty for an outstanding, productive year.

3. The Democratic Party was very concerned about “Women’s Reproductive Rights.” It is the height of selfishness to expect that there should be no consequences to our choice of behavior. Barak Obama stated that he could not define the beginning of life because it was above his “pay grade.” If the beginning of life cannot be defined, we cannot allow abortion lest we risk killing a life that may have begun.

The Republican Party was strong in their promotion of a culture of life. At the same forum, John McCain, with no hesitation, stated that “Life begins at conception.” It has become apparent in the last few days that McCain’s philosophy is more than just words but has been played out over the course of his life. Cindy McCain has made it her life’s mission to bring love and aid to “the least of these.” They even demonstrated their reverence for life by adopting a special needs infant from Bangladesh. His choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President, a mother of 5, including a baby with Down’s syndrome and a teenage daughter that made the choice to keep her baby gives further voice to McCain’s view that all life is precious.

4. The Democratic Party is about equal rights and freedom of speech for everyone unless of course you disagree with their viewpoint. Every fringe relationship should be afforded all rights and privileges formerly reserved for married couples. You can march, burn the flag, parade naked down the street, and yell obscenities but praying at public functions or wearing a cross to signify your faith can be interpreted as “hate speech.”

The Republican Party believes strongly in the sanctity of marriage and further defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman only. They believe that freedom of speech must include prayer and religious symbols as well as the profane. The see no conflict between church and state and believe that the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Religion not Freedom from Religion.

As originally stated I do not believe you will go to hell for voting for Obama/Biden. I do believe as a Christian, if you search your heart, get your priorities in order according to the Word of God, and prayerfully consider the moral issues, there is only one choice, McCain/Palin.

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