Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I’m not sure how the grandkids are doing, but I survived Grandkid’s camp!!!! About a year ago a “brilliant” idea popped into my brain; during the month of June 2008, the first annual Niswonger Grandkid’s Camp would take place. This would give Grandpa and me an opportunity to spend quality time with our three grandkids, allow the cousins to get to know and love each other and at the same time start a family tradition. I had spread sheets of plans, sent out colorful reminders to each grandkid, and collected all the toys, activity materials and food for 4 days of fun. I was smart enough to bring easy, kid-friendly foods and plan activities that could be adapted to a 1 year old, 2 year old and 4 year old. The thing I forgot was Michigan weather. In Michigan we have sunny 85 degree weather one week and cloudy 50 degree rainy weather the next week. Guess which week I chose to schedule Grandkid’s Camp? Grandpa’s work picked up and he was so busy he could only come for two days, Caleb had a fever on Monday and the weather was cold and damp, but by Tuesday evening, Grandkid’s camp was in full swing.

It was just Girl’s Camp for the first 24 hours and you can’t stop 3 determined girls. Grandma, Mackenzie and Madison loaded the wagon and walked to the beach. On the way we saw several caterpillars, a dead squirrel and a live bluebird. We found seashells and wrote our names in the sand. Mackenzie was very adamant that since it was camp, we had to have a tent. Grandma set up a tent in the bedroom and we camped out. The next morning, there was more rain. After breakfast, we put puzzles together, watched videos, played ring-a-round the Rosie, the Hokey Pokey, colored some beautiful pictures and waited for the sun. Finally, we went outside and dug up pretty rocks, collected sticks and found caterpillars to put in our “bug keeper.” Grandpa arrived about 7 and we ate ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Wednesday Morning, more rain. More videos, more games, played hide and seek, built towers with blocks; Grandma’s running out of ideas. Wednesday afternoon, the sun peeks out of the clouds for a brief visit. We bundled the kids in long pants, jackets, sun hats and sun block across the nose and headed for the beach. We weren’t there to show off the latest in fashionable beach wear, no, we had more important things to attend to. Grandpa helped make a sand castle, Mackenzie dipped her bucket in the water to make a moat, Madison kept a grip on all the sand buckets and Grandma kept a grip on Caleb to keep him from taking a swim in the chilly lake. We played tag, ate fruit snacks, drank juice, found more seashells, skipped stones and wiped noses. After cookies, chocolate milk, a funny book and bedtime prayers everyone was ready for a good night’s sleep.

Thursday was Zoo Day. The weather was cloudy and misty, so we began to pray. Mackenzie asked Jesus to please take the rain away in Jesus Name. The sun broke through; we went to the zoo and had a great time. We wore our matching “Grandkid’s Camp” t-shirts with our names on the back to the zoo. We were definitely the classiest group there. After dodging mud puddles, feeding and petting the animals, we settled down at the kid’s playground for a picnic lunch and to burn some pent up energy.

Friday dawned an absolutely gorgeous day. Blue skies, sunshine, 70 degrees; time to go home. Grandma took more pictures and packed up each kid. I’m not sure who was more excited to see Mommy; Madison and Mackenzie or Grandma. Grandma and Caleb arrive back in Saginaw, Grandma is exhausted. Caleb goes home; Grandma takes a long hot bubble bath and goes to bed.
The tiredness is gone, but the memories are still fresh. I can’t wait until next year!!!!

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