Tuesday, April 30, 2019



2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

This is a much quoted verse and one of my favorites, so it was not surprising that God spoke this verse to my spirit as I prayed earnestly for situations.  And then He began to break it down…


IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME…Many people wear the label “Christian” much the same way they wear the label Nike or carry a Gucci purse or drive a BMW; it impresses your friends, makes you feel better but in the end it doesn’t make you more important; it just puts you deeper in debt.  You apply My Name in some areas but not in all you say or do.  You use My Name when it is convenient and even sometimes in inconvenient moments.  You are NOT CALLED BY MY NAME; I am just a tool to be used when nothing else will work or a label to be displayed in socially correct situations.

WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE…You say your prayers…sometimes a quick prayer before meals, at other times, you remember to say a few words as you drive to work; you bow your head with the congregation every Sunday and at times even kneel before me for a moment.

 BUT… there is no humbleness; no seeking My Face.  You approach Me in arrogance, expecting Me to be honored that you have stopped by and knocked on My door just to say hello.  You bring Me your plan with full instructions looking for affirmation.  You don’t really want to know My Will or My thoughts because they may disrupt your plans; they may ask the difficult things.

AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS…Ahh, here is the crux of the matter; you love your sins; you are comfortable with your sins.  The preaching of the Gospel has become more palatable; more relevant and you have embraced the easiness. 

If you want to “RECEIVE ME,” you don’t have to even come to the front; just repeat a prayer with the congregation and you are good.  There is no Godly Sorrow; no Repentance; no turning from your Wicked Ways…that is no longer necessary.  No need to go further; no need to seek for My Spirit…after all that is an automatic bonus when you “receive” Jesus. 

And you wonder why you are weak; why there is no power; why you can’t overcome; why you cannot hear from Heaven; why things remain the same. 


Read it again, slowly with understanding before you find a place of repentance…then I will hear; then I will forgive; then I will heal.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Monday, April 29, 2019



Psalms 63:1-3 Oh God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water. So I have looked for you in the sanctuary to see Your Power and Glory.  Because Your Loving kindness is better than life.

God had promised King David that there would always be one of his see sitting on the throne, so when David died, his son, Solomon ascended to the throne.  God desired to bless Israel through his leadership just as He had during the reign of David, so he appeared in a dream and said…

2 Chronicles 1:7 On that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask! What shall I give you.”

THINK ABOUT IT!  You are not only King with all the rights and authority that comes with that position but the Great God of Heaven; Creator of the Universe is ready to grant your heart’s desire; what wish would you ask to be granted?

We could get real spiritual and say things like, “heal everyone in the hospital,” or “save the whole world” or “stop all pain and suffering.”  OR …We might be a little selfish and ask for a Million Dollars and a big house.  If you are single you might ask for a spouse or if you are childless your heart’s desire could be to conceive children. 

There would be so many thoughts that would run through my mind…but most of all I would want to ask for the perfect thing because there is only ONE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!
We applaud Solomon for his “humble” request1 Chronicles 1:10 Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?”

And God granted Solomon’s request…

1 Chronicles 1:12 Wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches, wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.

And then we read of Solomon’s great decline.  One would think that with Great Wisdom, would come a little common sense and with Great Knowledge would come a little “know-how,” but in all of Solomon’s wisdom and knowledge, he forgot the most important piece of Wisdom…. recognizing that his wisdom, knowledge, riches, wealth and honor were not his to possess but he was merely a vessel for God to work through and accomplish great things.  The wisdom and knowledge became a curse; the amassing of wealth led him to make treaties with heathen kings by marrying their daughters and ultimately tolerating their false Gods; his desires remained unfulfilled by the gold, silver, horses, lands, buildings and other pleasures until finally Solomon declares…

Ecclesiastes 1:14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun and behold all is vanity and vexation of the spirit.


How different would life have turned out for Solomon if he could have consulted with His father, David…What would David had requested from God?

FAVOR AND PROTECTIONPsalms 17:8 Keep me as the Apple of Your Eye; hide me under the shadow of Your Wings.

MERCY AND SALVATION…Psalms 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; according to Your mercy remember me, for Your goodness’ sake, Oh Lord.

REVELATION OF THE WORD OF GOD…Psalms 119:18 Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your Law.
Psalms 119:34 Give me understanding and I shall keep Your Law; indeed I shall observe it with my whole heart.
Psalms 119:72 The Law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

GOD’S PRESENCEPsalms 51:11 Do not cast me away from Your Presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Psalms 84:10 For a day in Your Courts is better than a thousand.  I would rather be a doorkeeper in the House of My God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked.


And my answer is, “Lord, I just want you…Your Mercy; Your Forgiveness; Revelation of Your Word; Your Presence; Your Spirit….I JUST WANT YOU!”



Psalms 119:89 Forever, Oh Lord, your word is settled is settled in Heaven.

“A Rhema word is never separated from the Logos.” (Bishop C. Wright)

Just because something “sounds good” does not make it “good news” or gospel .  Too many times, a word is spoken from the pulpit that sounds good.  The “sounds good” word inspires the listening preacher to take it back and speak it to his congregation and the next Sunday, the visiting preacher to that congregation speaks it 3 Sundays later to the congregation in his state and suddenly doctrine has been established.

How do you think the Christian religion has strayed so far from the Doctrine given by Jesus to and established by the Apostles and practiced by the Book of Acts Church.  Some of the early “church fathers” tried to “explain,” according to their own thinking and to make it more relevant.  It “sounded good” so their “disciples” began to preach the new thinking, adding their own thinking and eventually we have false doctrine from a Rhema word that was established by perverting the Logos.

A Fearful and Awesome burden lies upon the shoulders of every man and woman that steps into the pulpit this morning or any place or time to proclaim the Gospel.  The “foolishness” and the “silliness” should be relegated to the Fellowship Hall, NOT the sanctuary and certainly NOT during the proclaiming of God’s Word.

My soul doesn’t need a “Cute Sermon;” I am hungry for a Rhema Word confirmed by the Logos.
If the spoken word is in conflict from the established, written Word, it is not from God…refuse it…It is flesh not Spirit.

God Himself established His Word forever and it is enough!



Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

I had struggled for days, weeks, months, years.  I wanted release; I wanted victory but I just couldn’t come up with perfect solution that would miraculously solve my dilemma.

PRAY?  I prayed.  READ THE WORD? I read.  SING PRAISES? I sang.  GO TO CHURCH?  I went.  LIVE RIGHT? I did my best….and victory remained an elusive reward.


This week something changed.  On my knees, I prayed; I read the Word; I sang in worship and with a tired, weak voice said, “LORD, I CAN’T!  I SURRENDER!”  Immediately, something changed.  I felt a warm sensation begin to cover me beginning at the top of my head.  Then I actual felt the tingle of an energetic strength flow through my arm and leg muscles.  I fell on my face and began to weep…VICTORY IN PROCESS!


According to Merriam Webster, SURRENDER implies giving up after a struggle to retain or resist.

The Cambridge English Dictionary states it this way, “Stop fighting; admit defeat. Stop trying to prevent or control.”

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS…guilty of struggling to retain; guilty of resisting; guilty of trying to control.

On my face, weeping in awe and thankfulness, God spoke these words to my heart..

“Susan this is THE POWER OF SURRENDER.  Trading your finite for MY infinite… Exchanging your lack for My abundance. I have been patiently waiting.”

Have you done everything within your power?  Surrender the problem to His power.

Have you done everything you know and can think of?  Surrender to His knowledge and His thoughts.

Have you fought until you are exhausted?  Admit defeat and Surrender.

Have you come to the “End of your rope?”  Let go; Surrender.

If you want an answer; if you want the solution; if you are tired of the struggle…YOU MIGHT AS WELL SURRENDER; GOD DOESN’T NEGOTIATE.

He has been patiently waiting for you to surrender.  He has the answer and all the power to change your situation.  He has better plans; greater things for you to accomplish with one requirement…SURRENDER!




Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

A few years ago a new “Hook-up” social media site popped up connecting people who desired to have “cyber affairs.”  Their motto was, “LIFE IS SHORT; HAVE AN AFFAIR.”  Apart from the fact that a website encourages betrayal of a spouse by illicit sexual behavior or satisfying the lustful desires of an unattached person, there is so much sadness that anyone would even join;  a “CYBER-AFFAIR”?  Only Satan could dream up such deception; lustful satisfaction without commitment, real love, touching, intimacy, caring, or sharing and you don’t even have to use your real name…it doesn’t “hurt” anyone; it’s all about you.

To which my Sweet, Committed, Caring, Always Faithful husband, succinctly replied, “HELL IS ETERNAL; STAY FAITHFUL.”

Unfortunately, society paints a hopeless picture of Life.  LIFE IS SHORT and THIS MOMENT IS ALL YOU HAVE!  We see it used in marketing new products, from motivational speakers, in the books we read, the music to which we listen and the television programs we watch…BE ALL YOU CAN BE; HAVE IT YOUR WAY; DO WHAT YOU WANT; IT’S YOUR LIFE. Yes our modern day philosophers have instilled in us a FATALISTIC view of life. 

Here are some of “their” quotes…

“Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice.” (J. Rachelle).

“Life is short, live passionate.” (unkn)

“Life is what happens while you are busy making plans.” (A. Saunders)

“This is your life and it is ending one minute at a time.” (C. Palahniuk, Fight Club)

“Enjoy life. There’s plenty of time to be dead.” (unkn)

 “What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.” (Colette)

 My favorite after just having a painful root canal; “Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.” (unkn)


Even James; even the Bible reminds us; James 4:14 Where as you do not know what will happen tomorrow, for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  

If that was the only verse I read, I would probably feel as King Solomon so eloquently said at the end of his life, “All is vanity and vexation of my spirit.”  What a sad legacy, to have possessed it all; experienced it all; fulfilled every desire only to find that nothing truly satisfied and like a vapor life had quickly dissipated into the atmosphere.

BUT…if you continue searching the scripture, you will find HOPE; you will find PROMISE; you will find LIFE.

IT BEGINS WITH A GIFT… John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

GUIDES US THROUGH THIS EXPERIENCE WE CALL LIFE…1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands as we commanded you. That you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.

INSTALLING A PROTECTIVE ALARM SYSTEM… John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

PROVIDING THE GATEWAY TO THE NEXT… Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

AND ENDS WITH A PROMISE… 1 John 2:25 And this is the promise that He has promised us; ETERNAL LIFE!


Revelations 21:6 And He said to me, “It is done.”  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  I will give of the fountain of the Water of Life freely to him who thirsts.



Psalms 139:17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

Oh how I love this verse, it makes me feel so special so loved and THEN....

I realize I have been reading it incorrectly all these years. Yes, I had changed one little word and made it all about me. The "TO" had become "OF," as in, "How precious also are Your thoughts OF me."

I assure you, God is thinking OF you today; you ARE PRECIOUS to Him. He has answers to problems, blessings because He loves you and a light to guide your way. BUT...

How many more blessings would we experience; how many more problems would become testimonies; how much further in the race would we run if HIS THOUGHTS BECAME PRECIOUS TO US?


I will magnify, glorify and honor you today because YOUR THOUGHTS ARE PRECIOUS to me.

I will meditate on them and allow them to feed my hungry soul and quench my thirst for You because YOUR THOUGHTS ARE PRECIOUS to me.

I will hide them in my heart as a valuable treasure because YOUR THOUGHTS ARE PRECIOUS to me.

I will listen closely as your voice whispers to me because YOUR THOUGHTS ARE PRECIOUS to me.


Thursday, April 18, 2019


Prayer Journal 4/19/2019

1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.

Have you ever revved up your taste buds for a delicious bowl of ice cream?  You’ve dreamed about it all day and finally it’s time…time to enjoy.  You get the bowl and the spoon, open the freezer for the carton of ice cream…you can taste it already and then you open the carton to find that it is EMPTY!!! 

We’ve all experienced the LETDOWN OF EMPTINESS but what about the HOPE OF EMPTINESS!

Mary Magdalene was used to a life of emptiness.  The town knew of her reputation; they had witnessed her mental struggles and no one wanted to get close enough to be associated with such a woman.  Yes, Mary’s life was empty of friends.  Couldn’t they understand that she just wanted to experience the love they enjoyed every day?  The arms of a husband, the feel of her very own child held close to her breast; maybe just a friendly wave or a warm hello, but Mary’s life was empty. 

UNTIL…she met Jesus and He filled all the emptiness with HOPE.  Hope that she was of value.  Hope that someone could see past the façade and into the loneliness.  Hope that someday she could move beyond society’s opinion; move beyond her tarnished reputation.


She followed Him as He carried His cross up the hill.  Tears streamed down her face as she watched the soldiers pound the nails into His flesh.  And then, the only One who ever really loved her spoke His final words, “It is finished.” Now Jesus is dead and once again Mary feels empty.

The soldiers take his battered, lifeless body off the cross and lay him in the borrowed tomb.  Mary looks at the bloody, empty cross; “What now?”  How can she continue?  Where is hope?  Tomorrow she will take spices to the tomb and anoint His dead broken body just as she had anointed His feet with the precious ointment a few days earlier…Her last act of love toward the only One who had given her hope…She felt so empty.

The morning dawns and Mary gathers her jars of spices for the trip to the tomb.  Together, she and Mary the mother of James and Salome walk toward the resting place of Jesus. To their dismay the stone is rolled away and the TOMB IS EMPTY!  “Where have they taken Him?” “Where is Jesus?”

Mary, Mary, do you not understand, HOPE LIES IN THE EMPTINESS!

Matthew 28:5-6 But the angel answered and said to the woman, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here, for He is risen, as He said.  Come see the place where the Lord lay.”


Our HOPE is not in a dead Jesus hanging on a cross; THE CROSS IS EMPTY!

Our HOPE is not in a dead Jesus lying in a tomb; THE TOMB IS EMPTY!


Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was necessary to pay the penalty for our sin, but OUR HOPE is in the RESURRECTION.  Because of the Resurrection our PREACHING IS FULL OF HOPE; Because of the Resurrection our FAITH IS FULL OF HOPE.  Because the TOMB IS EMPTY, I am filled with HOPE!

Because Jesus raised from the dead, I have hope that one day that same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead will also quicken my mortal body. Because He lives; I have hope of life eternal. 




James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, with good fruits and without partiality and without hypocrisy.

Ahhh, Facebook!  Just this morning, I listened to a beautiful song on Mercy and read an article regarding a stupid decision by a youth pastor that has now been reported on the national news.

What do those two have in common?  EVERYTHING!

I wonder what would happen; how MY viewpoint would change; what MY judgment would be if I substituted MY NAME for the name of the “Perp” in the news stories, Facebook posts or repeated stories that come my way.

How embarrassing that one of the worst decisions of your life becomes a headline for everyone to see, shake their heads and pronounce judgment.  Most of my dumbest choices have been either secret or between a few people and are now safely under the Blood where even an extensive background check couldn’t uncover them.

Thankfully, the worst moments in my life have not become my identity…BECAUSE OF MERCY!
Oh I deserved criticism; I deserved judgment and even punishment…BUT MERCY!

King David?  Substitute Susan.  Jonah?  Substitute Susan.  Peter?  Substitute Susan.  The thief on the Cross?  Substitute Susan.  Saul/Paul?  Substitute Susan…All received Mercy.


What if there had been Facebook 2000 years ago?  What if their story had made the National News?  You may say, “Their story made the Bible and that’s way bigger than the National News.”  Yes it did and Yes it is, BUT, in the Bible, we read their decisions; their stories through the filter of MERCY!

So the next time I hear an unsavory story, I think I’ll slip on my Mercy Glasses and change the name to Susan and pray for redemption.

1Timothy 1:16 However for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.


Thursday, April 4, 2019



Acts 17:26-27 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwelling, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they may grope Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

Take a walk down memory lane, way back to High School.  I’ll make a wild guess that your parents and grandparents wondered what was happening to society.  They probably made the statement, “I’ve never seen it this bad before” or “What is the world coming to.”  The church said, “How are we going to protect our young people” or “Can they stand for God in this evil world.”  In every generation, some stood strong in their commitment to God and others were drawn away by the lure of the world.

I was a teenager during the 70’s.  I attended a school populated with over 3,000 teenagers.  There were “designated” areas you just didn’t go because that was where the drugs were exchanged.  I lived during the time of busing and desegregation, where kids were taken out of their familiar neighborhood and away from their childhood friends and forced by the government to attend school with strangers in an unfamiliar environment. Gang violence; Hell’s Angels and other gangs from Chicago would come to our Northern Illinois city and infiltrate the schools.  Girls got raped in stairwells and bathrooms and boys were knifed in the swimming pool. It was not the ideal environment that our nostalgic longing for the “good old days” would have us remember.  BUT…I had a praying Mom, a caring church, a loving family and I STOOD FOR GOD!

As I study Esther and her situation, I realize that maybe the 70’s or the 90’s or the 2000’s or even 2019 is not the worst situation or the most difficult time to stand firm in your commitment to God.

Esther lived in a strange land, in captivity.  Her parents died when she was very young and she had been raised by a cousin, her father’s brother’s son. She had been chosen to have a life of sequestration behind the walls of harem in hopes of one day becoming Queen, AND….she was only about 14 years old.   NOT PERFECT CONDITIONS FOR STANDING STRONG IN HER FAITH!

But God had a purpose; He had preappointed Esther’s time and boundaries. God had a plan.  God has a GRAND PLAN and He strategically places men and women in different times in history at different places on earth so that His plan may be fulfilled and Men and Women will seek and find Him.




Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 

Have you ever searched the pantry, looked in the refrigerator, and rummaged through the kitchen cabinets before concluding you had “nothing to eat?”  REALLY????  NOTHING?????  What about a can of soup, a box of cereal, toast and jelly or scrambled eggs?  Yes, there was plenty of food but nothing that appealed to you at the moment.  The problem wasn’t with the selection of food; the problem was you were not hungry enough.

A few years ago, Steve and I decided to stop at a highly recommended restaurant on our way to Knoxville, TN.  The interior of the restaurant was beautifully decorated and offered a cool, serene atmosphere away from the glare of a Tennessee summer sun.  We were seated and handed leather-bound menus.  I read through the menu several times searching for something among the large selection of soups, sandwiches, salads, and entrees to order, but nothing appealed to me.  I’m sure everything would have been prepared to perfection and served in an appetizing, inviting presentation, but not one thing on the menu made my “mouth water.”  When the waitress came to our table, we apologized, told her we had changed our mind and left the restaurant. It wasn’t the menu, it was our hunger!

Having been in ministry for several years, I have witnessed this phenomenon and even experienced it myself many times.  You may attend a church that offers a variety of music, classes, ministry opportunities, worship services, accomplished speakers, preaching, teaching, and Bible study on the menu. Perhaps you sample them all and leave filled service after service until one day……….  One Sunday or one Wednesday, you enter the sanctuary and peruse the menu.  The music is not the right genre and just doesn’t soothe your soul.  The pastor drones on teaching the same old lesson with a few new stories and as for prayer time; “Come on, get what you need from God and let’s go home.”  Finally, the dismissal prayer is prayed and you leave, unsatisfied.  You just aren’t “being fed.”   

Hmmmmm!!!  Are you sure?  There was a full menu offered, an appetizer of worship, singing praise and giving glory to God, an entrée of well-prepared “meat” of the Word and even a lovely dessert of God’s presence around the altar.  Nothing to eat?  Not being fed?  It’s Not The Menu; It’s The Hunger!

Before you apologize and leave the “restaurant” because there is “nothing to eat,” check your hunger and thirst.  Have you been stuffing yourself with so much “junk food” that there is no room to feast on the Word?  Has your thirst been slaked by “flavored water” from the world’s wells until there is no longer a thirst for the Presence of God?  Perhaps it is time to empty yourself of all the unhealthy food you’ve been ingesting and become HUNGRY once again.