Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Last Sunday, the Buffalo Bills and the Indianapolis Colts played a football game that will be remembered for years.  Not because it was a great game but because the game was played in a “blizzard.”  The footing was slippery, the ball was cold and hard to catch and the yard lines were, at times, impossible to see but they played on.  In the stands were the “faithful.”  Fans bundled up against the relentless wind and snow, cheering on their team to victory.

Immediately, a meme of the game and its fans went viral on Face book.  The meme is a picture of fans, caked in snow with the caption, “IF CHURCH MEMBERS WERE THIS FAITHFUL.”  And all the Pastors said, “AMEN.”

Now, let’s really examine the meme in light of church.  Having been married to a football fan for 41 years, I will try to explain the excitement and anticipation they feel on game day.  We will begin with the SUPER BOWL.

When I mention SUPER BOWL, what immediately enters your mind?  Commercials?  Food?  Half-time show?  NOT TO A TRUE FAN!  Believe me, a True Fan doesn’t even realize what food he is putting in his mouth; his focus is on the game being played on the field.  Commercials are really bathroom breaks and Half-Time is the opportunity to discuss the great pass, the awesome runback, or the devastating fumble, and how their team  could be destroying the other team if they would just….

Now that you understand the fan that would set outside covered in snow to watch their team play with an inflated pigskin, let’s imagine this scenario…

15 seconds left in the game, the score is tied; it is 4th and goal, with your team is on the 2 yard line, SUDDENLY, the Ref raises his hands and says, “Could the fans please stand, the players will serenade you on your way out.  Hope to see you next week.”

I cannot even imagine the “riot” that would take place and the poor ref had better make a quick exit, surrounded by body armor.  If it happened the next week and the next, I can guarantee the stands would be empty, the merchandise unsold and the owner’s bottom line would be all zeros.

Back to the Meme….Perhaps there is a reason some would rather sit in a frozen stadium watching their team rather than sit in a frozen church listening to a program.

We wake on Sunday Morning, full of excitement and anticipation.  We arrive at church, greet the usher, pick up our steaming cup of coffee and find our seat.  We stand for the “national anthem” place our hand over our heart; some may even raise their hands and sway as we lift our voices in unison.  Our ticket fees are received, a few public announcements, some carefully prepared words are delivered to encourage us to come back next week and we are dismissed to go about our day….WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GAME?  WHERE WAS THE MAIN EVENT?

Oh we have some moments, Jesus is just about ready to run out on the field but its half-time and the entertainers have prepared a great show.  OR…There have even been those times when we’ve allowed “Quarterback” Jesus to lead the team down the field, we are almost to the goal line; victory is in sight and the Ref calls “TIME!”  It’s time to take an offering, dedicate a baby, preach a sermon or maybe the clock says noon and dinner is waiting.  We go home the way we arrived, frustrated because the “game” was ended…unfinished.

What would happen if we arrived at church with the excitement and anticipation of a true fan, with only the “game” on our mind.  We bypassed the coffee bar and entered the sanctuary where we spent a few minutes communing with our “Quarterback” Jesus.  Then we began to cheer and praise; really get involved with the “game.”  No halftime show, no bathroom breaks, no public announcements because our team was marching down to victory.  There would be unbelievable plays, no interceptions or fumbles as we approached the goal line.  AND if we would linger just a little longer, trust our Star, He would lead us across the goal and into victory.


Friday, December 8, 2017


Psalms 78:9 The Children of Ephraim being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of the battle.

Ephraim was the second son of Joseph who became a ruler in Egypt.  Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, each inherited portions of land from their grandfather Jacob and became known as half-tribes in the 12 tribes of Israel.

We also learn that Joshua, the great leader, chosen by God hailed from the lineage of Ephraim.  It was Joshua, one of the spies sent to check out the Land of Canaan, along with Caleb, who came back with a good report, full of faith that through God, the Children of Israel were well able to conquer the city and take possession of the land.

So, what happened to the Children of Ephraim?  They could trace their bloodline back to the “Father of Faith,” himself; Father Abraham.  Their forefather, Joseph, had been a great ruler in the Land of Egypt, saving the world from starvation.  They even had the birthright to boast in the heritage of that great warrior, Joshua, who led all the People of Israel into the Promised Land.  What happened?  What was the cause of the sad commentary in Psalms 78?

They had the “right” heritage, they had the "right" training and they had all the “right” equipment, YET, the Psalms 78 tells us that when it came time to go forth into battle; to join the fight, THE CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM TURNED BACK!

Sadly, I have watched as too many “Children of Ephraim” have turned back.  They have the “right” Heritage of Truth.  They have donned the armor and picked up the weapons.  Many have even walked the path to the “battleground,” but then the “Day of the Battle” dawns and they retreat.

Perhaps fatigue has set in; the weapons have become too heavy.  Or it may be that the armor has begun to rub a sore spot that has become infected and inflamed.  It could be that the looming battle overshadows past victories and their waning faith opens the door to fear, forgetting that they are not fighting on their own.

THE DAY OF BATTLE HAS COME!  Do not pass the legacy of the Children of Ephraim on to your own children and grandchildren.  GET BACK UP!  Put on the armor once again; pick up the bow and march into battle.  A future generation is depending on you…THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Job 3:25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me.

FEAR will handicap our faith until we can no longer trust God to take care of the situation and we begin to take matters into our own hands…we have entered into a WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP with God.

Job had houses, lands, wealth, position, power and a beautiful family.  The first chapter of Job also tells us that he was blameless, upright and shunned evil; Job had it all, but there was one little area that needed God’s “Refining Fire”…JOB WAS FULL OF FEAR.

Job 1:5 states that Job would rise early in the morning and offer a sacrifice for each of his children, just in case they had sinned.  He had taught them the truth of Jehovah; he had lived an upright, blameless life in front of them, but he was afraid to entrust them to God.

So Job continued to do what he had always done; to shun evil, fear God and offer sacrifice, because it had always worked for him…UNTIL ONE DAY IT DIDN’T!

As we continue to read the first chapter of Job, we learn that in the space of one day, Job lost it all!  Marauders destroyed his financial health, a lightning strike destroyed his source of food and clothing and then a tornado struck his son’s house and killed all his children…Job was left with a wife and 4 servants.  Although verse 22 states, “he did not sin or charge God with wrong,”  we understand from verse 5 that it may have been out of fear that God would also strike him dead.

BACK TO FEAR….Two truths regarding fear: 



Satan attacked Job in the very areas his fear was centered…his family; his finances; his possessions and his position.

Be honest, we all have areas in which we FEAR more than we TRUST.  Perhaps it is your children…you fear they will be injured or die or perhaps, although you taught them the things of God, they have refused to accept them and you fear they will not come to an altar of salvation.  Do you fear the loss of position or status?  Maybe it is the loss of power, possessions or financial security.  Perhaps it is your health; you fear developing a dreaded disease, a chronic illness or debilitating accident.  All of these are “valid fears” except God desires to relieve you of all of these fears by developing a RELATIONSHIP OF FAITH in you.

If these fears are not placed on and left at the altar, Satan will use them as a means of attack.  You may not suffer a bolt of lightning, marauders, the loss of children and finances all in one day, but Satan will use your fears to attack your mind.  He will surround your fear, with crippling doubts that will cloud your judgment and decisions until like Job you may state, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me.”

God’s desire for you is no different than was His desire for Job…God desires for you to live a blessed and fulfilled life of a FAITH RELATIONSHIP with Him.  It involves TRUST not WORKS which leads to FEAR!

Whatever fear has you bound, give it to God, NOW!!!  God desires to RESTORE ALL AND MORE but you MUST lay the fear down first.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


We have all heard numerous messages preached on the life of Job…

His “patience;” although I don’t find that he really had much patience, rather he was placed in a situation in which he had no choice but to endure. 

His “Miserable Comforters:” A “How to slap a man when he’s down” treatise. 

Mrs. Job suggesting that her husband go ahead, “curse God and die.” Although, I always thought we were a little too rough on Mrs. Job considering that she had also lost children, home, wealth, position and in addition had to stand by and watch her husband suffer excruciating pain.

And, finally, how God restored to Job “double for his trouble,” after he prayed for his friends.

For some reason, I have been drawn to take a “second” look at the book of Job.  This “second” look is causing me to rethink all of the sermons I have heard preached regarding Job and view him and his experiences in a whole new light.  I pray they will provoke your mind and challenge you to consider that there may be far more to Job’s story then we first thought.

Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was BLAMELESS, and UPRIGHT, and one who FEARED GOD and SHUNNED EVIL.

The first chapter of the Book of Job establishes the man and gives us insight into his character.  Verse 1, states that he was blameless, upright, feared God and shunned evil.  Verse 2 tells us that he was “greatest of all the people of the east.”  We come to understand that Job was a “Man of Integrity,” BUT, though it says he “feared” God, it does not say that he was a man FULL OF FAITH, as Abraham is described. So in reality, what type of relationship did Job have with God?

Job 1:5 So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all.  For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.  Thus Job did regularly.

In reading this verse, one may say and I have heard sermons preached saying, “What a righteous, spiritual man, Job must have been; so spiritual that he offered sacrifices for his children every day.”  Reread verse 5…This describes a man who FEARS God but does not have FAITH in God.  This portrays a picture of a man that has developed a WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP with God.

A WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP – If I do this, then God will…If I am “holy” enough, then God must…If I follow this list of rules, then God promises…

A WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP has two components that walk hand-in-hand…FEAR and PRIDE.

The PRIDE FACTOR says, “IF I.”  It’s really up to me. IF I can try hard enough to do enough, then God will perform as I wish.

The FEAR FACTOR causes you to continue the behavior because you are not sure you will ever truly be “good enough” to receive all the blessings you desire from God.

The one component missing from a WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP is FAITH!  Perhaps God’s conversation with Satan had more to do with taking Job from a WORKS-BASED to a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP with Him, then it had to do with God showing off one of His “prized possessions” or teaching us a lesson on “enduring to the end,” or even forgiving the “inept sympathizers” in our life.

NOW, let’s be real here…have you ever “bargained” with God?  Maybe, thought if you did this, didn’t do that or committed to something, that God HAD TO do the thing you desired?  I HAVE!!! And I discovered that God is NOT IMPRESSED with anything I use to manipulate Him. 


FAITH that GOD has the plan for your life.

FAITH that HE will give you the desires of your heart; not what your heart desires. 

FAITH that if you turn every circumstance that comes your way over to God, that HE will work it out for your good. 

FAITH that GOD DESIRES to save your children even more than you do, BUT His methods will probably not meet your criteria.

FAITH that HE will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, using the most unlikely people.

FAITH that HE is able to complete everything HE has started in you.

If you are happy living in a FRUSTRATED, WORKS-BASED RELATIONSHIP with God, keep on striving, keep on trying to please, and get ready to retrieve all of your prayers as the bounce off the ceiling right back at you.  BUT…

If you are ready to walk in the FREEDOM of a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP, shake off the chains of your own desires, lay down the pride that says, “I CAN,” and allow God to overshadow your fear with His love.

Job finally got from WORKS to FAITH;  hopefully you won’t have to travel the same road to get to the same destination.  God has GOOD THINGS in store for you but they can only be obtained through a FAITH-BASED RELATIONSHIP with Him.

Monday, December 4, 2017


Job 1:8 Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant, Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”

Yes, Satan was frustrated.  He had been roaming to and fro in the earth, because that is what Satan does.  He had been wreaking havoc on lives, preying on hearts and mines and destroying everything in his path.  BUT, suddenly he had come to an impenetrable hedge; an invisible force shield…he couldn’t see it but he knew it was there.

Job 1:1 There was a man in the Land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.

This man, JOB…could there be any one more frustrating to Satan’s plans.  None of his tricks were working.  This “PARAGON OF VIRTUE;” this man, Job dealt fairly in the marketplace, passed along wisdom rather than judgment to those who sought him out, loved his wife and children faithfully and even offered sacrifices daily to the one true God.  Satan couldn’t find a hint of slander or gossip to spread.  YES, SATAN WAS FRUSTRATED!

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them.

AND…if that wasn’t enough, Satan had received a “Summons from Heaven” to appear before God.   Nothing good could come from this day. 

SURE ENOUGH…right after the exchange of a few pleasantries… “Where have you been?”  “What have you been up to lately?”  God hits Satan right in the “gut of his frustrations.”

Job 1:8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant, Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”


Are you IN COMPLIANCE WITH or are you FRUSTRATING the attempts of Satan? You could be the topic of a conversation taking place in Heaven today.  Perhaps at this very minute God is holding up your “homework paper,” the one with the big A+, and saying, “SATAN, HAVE YOU CONSIDERED MY SERVANT….?”

BUT I’M NOT JOB; I’M NOT THAT GOOD… why would Satan ever have a conversation regarding my life?  How can I become a FRUSTRATOR OF SATAN?

Satan already has his eye on you because…You are a child of God and you are filled with His Spirit.  Now to becoming a FRUSTRATOR IN CHIEF…begin by allowing the Holy Spirit to produce fruit in your life.  There is nothing that is more frustrating to Satan than a COMMITTED man or woman who FOLLOWS after the Spirit and EXHIBITS an abundance of fruit in their daily life.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.

BEGIN YOUR NEW ROLE TODAY…Start with LOVE; work on it…REALLY, INTENTIONALLY allow the Spirit to produce LOVE in and through you, today.  Then tomorrow, add JOY; the next day, PEACE; then…..

I PROMISE YOU…after 9 days of exercising the Fruit of the Spirit, you will be healthier, happier and a card carrying “FRUSTRATOR OF SATAN.”