Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Luke 8:24 Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water.  And they ceased and there was calm.

This morning’s song …The Eye of the Storm by Ryan Stevenson…
♪♪ “In the Eye of the Storm, You remain in control.
In the middle of the war, You guard my soul.
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn.
Your love surrounds me in the Eye of the Storm.” ♪♪

This Labor Day, the National Weather Bureau is tracking two hurricanes approaching Hawaii and a possible hurricane tracking toward Florida.  Although I have experienced some pretty horrific storms, my familiarity with hurricanes is limited to news reports.  We have all seen the pictures of their power and destructiveness and I would prefer to be only as close to one as my sofa and television.

One of the hurricane’s distinct features we hear talked about most is the “EYE.”  Hurricanes have a circular formation around an “EYE.”  According to one description, “the EYE is the FOCUS of the hurricane, the point about which the rest of the storm rotates.”  This description goes on to state, “skies are often clear above the EYE, winds are relatively light; it is the calmest section of a hurricane.”

Even in the midst of your stormy life, get your focus on the center; do you see Him?  Jesus is standing there; He remains in control.  The strong winds of diversity may be swirling, but there is PEACE IN THE EYE.

You may feel so battered that you can’t reach the “EYE,” but there is help. The “Life Line” has been thrown toward you; grab hold and He will pull you into the “EYE.”  There you will find clear skies and light winds…There you will find REST.

Have a blessed day.  Let Jesus be the EYE OF YOUR STORM!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount with wings like eagles.  They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Did you know that if you open a chrysalis before it is ready, the butterfly dies?  And even after the butterfly emerges from the cocoon, it takes a few hours to allow the wings to dry so they can catch the wind and fly.  So it is with dreams…

It may seem boring in the “dream cocoon,” but important development and preparation is taking place.  Perhaps you feel that no one else supports your vision.  It could be that they are too wise to open the chrysalis prematurely.  Or maybe you have emerged from the protective covering and are ready to spread your wings.  Patience, a little drying time is necessary.  When the time is right the “wind of the Spirit” will lift you up and you will fly.


This morning’s song…By Israel Houghton.

♪♪ “Jesus at the center of it all; Jesus at the center of it all
From beginning to the end,
It will always be, it's always been you Jesus; Jesus.
Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do
Jesus, you're the center, everything revolves around you
Jesus, you.” ♪♪

Parents, school has or will be started again and the busyness of “being involved” will once again overwhelm you, but only if you allow your life to become unbalanced. There are those who make sure their children’s lives are balanced and believe that a “well-rounded” life must include God...Sadly, I have watched the same children grow up with no concern for the things of God.

If God is the “balance” to our popularity, careers, and extracurricular activities, He becomes a symbol, a ritual; NOTHING at all. He must be the CENTER if you want a “well-rounded” life. Every thought, activity, and action must flow from your relationship with Him. God IS NOT a “Balancing Act.”


Psalms 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake.

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me.  Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Surely, GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

I actually woke up this morning with a newer song running through my head but it reminded me of an old song and that is where I will begin this devotional.
The old song says…

♪♪ “Thank you for the valley I walked through today.
The darker the valley, the more I learned to pray.”♪♪

WHATTT!!!??? When Dottie Rambo wrote that song, she obviously was not going through a “valley like mine.”  How can I thank God for valleys and storms and trials?  It is much easier to blame Him.  After all, He is in control and more than capable of getting me out of this mess.

Oh we sing songs about the “Lily of the Valley” and we long for the cool stream and lush pastures that are only found in the valley, but the valleys are also full of shadows and dark places that are not pleasant along our journey.  It is difficult to keep our focus on the refreshing stream ahead when we are walking through a dank, stinking swamp.  Yep, you won’t find a swamp on the peak of the mountain!  The lush green pasture full of sweet-smelling lilies fades as the “fog of life” swirls around our feet.

As we walk through the “Valley,” it is easy to forget that the journey to the “Mountaintop” involves a long, energy-spending, treacherous climb.  The climb up the mountain includes boulders that we must detour around and in the heat of the day; the sun beats down relentlessly with no shady trees or cooling streams to rest beside.  The storms on the mountains are fierce with nothing to still the swirling winds.  And sometimes on the mountain there are “rock slides” that take us right back to where we started.  Yes, the clear view of the Mountaintop cannot be reached by the faint of heart.

Back to that “Valley” you are walking through, I know it seems dark and lonely, but keep walking forward, one step at a time; God is walking ahead, smoothing the path.  One day, when you least expect it; a day in which you are just trying to survive, God will lead you to a clearing.  There will be a gentle stream with beautiful flowers filling the air with a lovely aroma and it is at that point He will “restore your soul.”

So, this morning Lord, I thank you for the valley I’ve been walking through.  In the valley you have taught me how to DEPEND on You for every step.  I’ve learned how to really, really PRAY and how to LISTEN and HEAR your gentle voice.  And most of all I’ve learned to REST and allow a REFRESHING because on the other side of this Valley, is a Mountain just waiting to be climbed.  I am certain that you will be there when I arrive because You are MY GOD in the valley and on the mountain…THANK YOU FOR THE VALLEY, I WALKED THROUGH TODAY!

The new song that actually woke me this morning…Blessings by Laura Story,

♪♪ “Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?”♪♪

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Deuteronomy 6:6&7 And these words which I command you today, shall be in your heart.   You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. 

I never taught my children to lie, but somehow they figured it out.

I never taught my children to take something that was not theirs, but I’m sure they did a time or two.

I never taught my children to be selfish, but “MINE” was one of their first words.

We don’t have to introduce our children to “the world,” IT WILL FIND THEM!  We are responsible, however, for introducing our children to Jesus Christ, so THEY CAN FIND HIM!

My song this morning, to my children…I GIVE YOU JESUS by Janet Paschal

♪♪ “If the ship of your life is tossing on the Sea of Strife, you need someone.
If you feel so all alone and your house is not a home, you need someone.
If it seems life isn’t fair and there’s no one left to share all your lonely days and nights and    things just won’t turn out right
And you need someone to care, someone to just be there, you need someone.

I give you Jesus, He’s the peace that passes all understanding.
I give you Jesus, He’s the perfect love that casteth out all fear.
I give you Jesus, He’s the water that you’ll drink and never thirst again.

I give you Jesus, my (SON), I give you Jesus.” ♪♪

Friday, August 26, 2016


Jude 24 Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy,

I can put on a brightly colored shirt and I’m good for the day but let me choose a white one and I will spill coffee, salsa or whatever I choose to cook or eat.  So it was not unusual to get out my trusty Spot Remover when I spotted two little pinpoint spots on my favorite, double-layer tee.  I confidently sprayed the spots, rubbed the solution in to the fabric and started a white load of laundry.  But ALAS, pulling the shirt out of the dryer I noticed the spots, still there and they had not even faded.

This time I would show NO MERCY.  Taking my bottle of Spot Remover AND Detergent, I headed for the sink to scrub out the offending stain.  As I scrubbed, I noticed that the stain kept changing shape but never faded or got any smaller.  I REFUSED TO BE DEFEATED.  Pulling up the first layer of fabric, I realized that the spots were on the second layer…AHA, VICTORY WOULD BE MINE!!!  Then my mind comprehended what my eyes refused to see…it was not a stain at all but IT WAS JUST A FUZZ!!!

Oh how easy it is, at times, to focus on a perceived stain, marring our Life’s Garments.  We trust that the Blood of Jesus has removed every stain and washed us “white as snow,” yet it seems we are constantly spilling or dripping or picking up unknown spots along the journey.  Can I ever stay clean?  Will I be able to stand before God with no wrinkles or spots staining my garments?  Can I be careful enough?  Can I be good enough?

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Satan would like to convince you that if you would give up this or stop that; if you would talk less and think more; if you would just be like them or had “theirs,” then those “SPOTS” would stop coming  to the surface.  “THE DEVIL IS A LIAR.”  The moment you allowed the BLOOD OF JESUS to be applied to your life, your GARMENTS BECAME SPOTLESS because of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!  AND…His Blood has NEVER lost its power to KEEP YOU SPOTLESS!!!

Look just a little closer at that SPOT that continues to give you grief…maybe IT IS JUST A FUZZ.  God has a HOLY LINT BRUSH for that; use it.  You trusted Him to WASH you “white as snowNOW trust Him to keep you CLEAN. 

Flick off the fuzz and have an awesome day serving God.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

A little reminder popped up on my phone this morning…It has been one year since Steve and I began our Journey to Health.

As all of you who read my blogs or heard me speak at Camp Unity know, it began with God speaking to me about “COOPERATING WITH HIM.”  Those words became my focus and daily decision.  During that time, God has not only healed me but delivered me from my dependence on “sleep aids.”  And it all begin with me simply making the decision to SURRENDER my will, SUBMIT my desires and OBEY God’s perfect plan for my life…which really IS NOT that simple to put into practice, at all.

GOD IS FAITHFUL, He has continued to do His part.  BUT, God always GOES BEYOND what we think, ask for or can even imagine.  As I stated at Camp, “GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AT THE POINT OF REVELATION.” 

As He leads you forward, He will continue to REVEAL more truths to you and UNVEIL more of His perfect plan.  God has continued to perform this in my life, just as I think I have finally conquered one area of discipline, God leads me to another area that requires more commitment to discipline.

A couple of weeks ago, at Camp Unity, God begin to convict me about discipline in another area of my life. (I’m not brave enough to share all the details, yet, but I probably will in the future because it is an area in which I believe many of us are struggling.)  Each level of discipline that God has led me to, has been a little harder than the previous level. 

After a “soul-stirring” message on Tuesday morning, by Chris Rowe on finding the time to pray and hear from God, my “nest” was stirred.  God  reminded me of something He had been dealing with to get straightened out in my life, for some time.  I had been pushing the nagging aside…OK, I was flat out IGNORING what I knew God was saying to me.  This day, however, God said, “NOW!!! THE TIME IS NOW!”  If I ignored God on this day, I knew my failure to COOPERATE WITH GOD would have undesired consequences.

I began the “task of surrender.”  The tears of repentance started falling and then I felt an actual “wrenching” as God began to dig at the roots.  I sat down, bent over as I experienced actual pain that went from my stomach clear up to my throat; surrender is not a “piece of cake.”  It doesn’t taste good and it hurts our flesh, but OH THE JOY when our will is broken.

The last couple of weeks have NOT been easy; several times a day, I remind myself to COOPERATE WITH GOD!  But GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!  My “Song in the Night” has returned; I feel inspired to write with more frequency and there is HOPE of all that God is leading Steve and me toward in this new season.

God has given Steve and I a new teaching series, “ME COOPERATING WITH GOD.”  It deals with all the different areas of our life; what God says about them and how we can COOPERATE WITH GOD as we journey forward.  If you would like to hear my complete testimony or your church could benefit from this teaching series, contact me or Steve and we will be happy to come.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


1 Timothy 6:6 Now, godliness with contentment is great gain.

As I went into my regular praise and worship during morning devotion, these words came out of my mouth and surprised me, even as I spoke them… “Thank you Lord for giving me contentment.”

Huh??? I’ve had a wonderful life; been HAPPILY married to the love of my life for 40 years; lived in beautiful homes which I thoroughly ENJOYED , but have not always been CONTENT.  So, happiness and enjoyment are NOT contentment?  Nope, I am living proof that one can be happy, enjoy life and still feel that something is missing.  There was always that little “something” that was waiting just over the horizon; the missing “piece” that will complete the puzzle of my life; Oh the ELUSIVENESS OF CONTENTMENT.

In the United States, the “Land of Plenty,” CONTENTMENT seems to have been deleted from our thinking, state of being and even our lexicon.  We are constantly challenged to “chase the American Dream.”  We may not even be sure what the “American Dream” is but we join the chase because we want our “slice.”  

Print and Social Media, television and radio add huge revenues to their bottom line by convincing you that “you will be happy, filled with joy or find contentment” if you buy this, experience that or travel there. Then we discover AFTER we buy “this,” a better, newer “this” has just been introduced; the “experience” wasn’t all “that” and our travels were a temporary “high,”  that has left us with empty pockets, in debt and more DISCONTENT than before.

So what is CONTENTMENTWhy does it seem to be so ELUSIVE?

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need; for I have LEARNED, in whatever state I am, to be content.

In Philippians 4:11, Apostle Paul tells us that CONTENTMENT is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR.  He goes on to declare that he has lived humbly and with plenty; knows what it feels like to be hungry and at other times be full, but whether in need or abounding, he has LEARNED to be content.  Well, SORRY PAUL, but I can’t just “THINK” myself CONTENT…I need a HOW and a WHY…give me something more.

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.

The writer of Hebrews instructs us to CHANGE OUR BEHAVIOR and STOP SPEAKING about all that we DON'T have; BE CONTENT with what we DO have.  LEARN TO BE CONTENT!!!  Here is the HOW AND WHY…Get your FOCUS on an important TRUTH , “God will never leave you or forsake you.”

CONTENTMENT BEGINS WITH THANKFULNESS!!!  Look around you, what could you do without and still be happy; you might surprise yourself…I have.  Listen to people who have “lost it all” in a fire, a flood or a storm, what is the first thing they say?  It is usually how thankful they are to BE ALIVE, then to have their family safe. We have all heard the interviews and the same line repeated over and over, “Things can be replaced.” 

CONTENTMENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT GOD IS YOUR SOURCE.  Too many times we look to our employer, our investments or even the government as the “source of blessing.”  SERIOUSLY???  No wonder CONTENTMENT is so ELUSIVE.  Companies close their doors, Investments are actually just RISKS, that sometimes win and other times lose, and the Government can’t even manage itself let alone your life.  ACKNOWLEDGING GOD as your source opens the door to PERSONAL CONTENTMENT.

CONTENTMENT IS ALL ABOUT SURRENDER.  When you finally come to the place where you can exchange your dreams and plans; your will, for God’s dreams and plans according to His Will, you have reached the PLACE OF CONTENTMENT.  The striving for position will no longer drive you because you have assurance of your POSITION IN CHRIST.  The constant search for the “next best thing” will no longer hold your interest; you possess the PEARL OF GREAT PRICE.  Surrender even erases worry and stress as you embrace GOD’S THOUGHTS OF A FUTURE AND A HOPE, FOR YOU.



Monday, August 8, 2016


Ezra 3:12 But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes.  Yet many shouted aloud for joy.

Have you ever been in the middle of the darkest moment of your life?  Actually, maybe you are looking at Life lying in broken ruins all around your feet.  THEN SUDDENLY, you find yourself laughing at the most inane memory.  God has just provided a little JOY FOR THE MOMENT.  Life is made of MOMENTS and moments pass but each one contains just a little bit of JOY, if we allow God to enter the moment with us.

Finally, the time had come, after 70 years of captivity, unable to worship in Jerusalem, as commanded; in the second month of the second year, the builders laid the foundation of the Temple of the Lord.  What a time of rejoicing.  Ezra 3 records that the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets and the Levites with cymbals.  They sang responsively, praised and gave thanks to God.  Oh the joy, the Israelites, once again could worship in Jerusalem. 

Ezra 3:8 tells us that Levites, 20 years and older, were appointed to oversee the work, so there must have been many young Israelites who were born in captivity and have never had the opportunity to travel to Jerusalem to worship or celebrate the Jewish feasts and had certainly NEVER witnessed the glory and splendor of the first temple.  They had heard the stories of Solomon’s dedication of the Temple, when the fire came down from Heaven and consumed the sacrifice.  They tried to picture the moment when the Glory of God filled the Temple, so much that the priests could not even enter to perform their duties.  How they longed for THEIR MOMENT, their chance to minister before the Lord; in the Temple; in Jerusalem.  TODAY, was a new beginning; a time of hope; a time of expectation; a time to rejoice…the foundation of the Temple was in place.

BUT…not everyone was under 70.  Some had been there; they had ministered before the Lord in Jerusalem; they had seen the Glory of the first temple and they could not rejoice.  Ezra 3:12 tells us that the “Old Men who had seen the first temple, WEPT WITH A LOUD VOICE.”

WHAAAAT???? Where’s the celebration; the fireworks; the jubilation; the cheers?  You have returned from captivity.  The foundation has been laid; hope is alive and you are CRYING because it isn’t “Yesterday’s Blessing?”  The “Old Men” had fallen into the iron jaws of the “I CAN’T SEE WHAT I HAVE BECAUSE MY EYES ARE FOCUSED ON WHAT I DON’T HAVE” TRAP.  They’re MOURNING OF THE PAST was causing them to miss the JOY OF THE MOMENT!

What about you?  Ever fallen into that same trap?  I have.  Too often I’ve missed the “party;” the time of rejoicing because my mind couldn’t get past “WHAT WAS NOT!”  I was MISSING THE JOY OF THE MOMENT because I was MOURNING THE PAST OF WHAT HAD BEEN. 

Perhaps your life has changed and you find yourself at a place, not of your own choosing.  Life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way; you had it all planned.  You see no “glory” in your future; at least not as glorious as past events.  Maybe you are encountering health issues, the loss of a career, a loved one, or even a ministry.  Possibly, like me, God is taking you into a new season.  And instead of “walking forward in happy anticipation,” God is “dragging you, kicking and screaming” as you desperately cling to the remnants of the joyous prior season.  BELIEVE ME when I say, “your refusal to let go of the GLORY OF WHAT WAS will blind your eyes to the JOY OF THE MOMENT.”

Open your hands, LET IT GO!!!  Ask God to OPEN YOUR EYES to the blessings He is preparing for you TODAY! 

REJOICE AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE! The old “building” may be lying in ruins but God has just finished “laying a new foundation.”  Put on your “Garments of Praise;” grab that tambourine and shake it; it is time to celebrate…you may have judged that your new situation will never be as glorious as the old but if you will make the choice to join the “party,” you will FIND THE JOY OF THE MOMENT.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


Psalms 107:9 For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

“You’re a good, good Father,” the first line of this song plays over and over in my head as I meditate on God’s goodness to me over my life and especially the last month. 

Sitting in my cozy new home, I am overwhelmed by peace and contentment.  Oh yes, there are still boxes to go through, possessions which have not yet found their place and a big box for all the things I have found I really didn’t need after all.

We are closing on our old house and turning the keys over to its new owner on Wednesday and I am amazed at how God has gone before us and given us a smooth path to walk every step of this transition…I think HE MUST have a plan.

So with a heart full of awe and thanksgiving, all I can say this morning is, “You’re a good, good Father; it’s who You are, it’s who You are.  And I’m loved by you; It’s who I am, who I am.”


Exodus 33:15 If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

I’ve taken a few days off to just soak up and bask in the Presence of God.  I’ve returned excited, refreshed and with new vision and determination.  Even sleeping in my own bed with my favorite pillow cannot supersede the peace and comfort I feel in the Holy Ghost, this morning.

In my mind, the Sunday Service dismissal prayer from my childhood still echoes, “Bless us all Lord as we leave THIS place but NEVER from your Presence.”  Isn’t that a beautiful thought?  We go about our day after our morning devotions, we go home after a particularly powerful altar-time at church or we come home from camp meeting with the “Glow of His Presence” still shining on our face because we NEVER have to leave HIS PRESENCE!

In Exodus 33, God and Moses are having a talk regarding the mission that lies ahead.  Moses reminds God, “You’ve told me to bring you this people, but you haven’t bothered to let me know who you are going to send with me, where we are going or how we are gonna get there. Maybe you could let me in on a few details.”

God tells Moses, “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”


Is that the cry of your heart this morning?  It is my cry, “Lord, if your Presence isn’t with me, I don’t want to go!” 

Whatever your day may hold, stay under the “Shadow of His Presence.”  Have a blessed day.
So we have left Camp Unity until 2017, BUT NEVER FROM HIS PRESENCE. 

Have a blessed day.