Saturday, August 31, 2013


This morning is my daughter-in-law’s birthday, so I posted a birthday wish on her Facebook page and posted how much we love her on my status update, for the entire world to see.  Hey don’t judge me, I also sent her a birthday card and a check!!!  Later, I sent an email to check on a sick friend, posted an encouraging Bible verse and texted a man to see if we could go up to the hospital and pray with him and his wife.  Surprised???  We are actually considering getting in our car, driving down the highway to a hospital and physically touching a person as we pray.  Sad, really how rare personal contact has become.
Most of us are becoming increasingly accustomed to a “Sterile Relationship” world.  Just log on to Facebook, you can know more about a person that you have never met, than you know about someone you have spent a lifetime with; that is unless you check out their Facebook page updates regularly.  I email a joke instead of sharing a cup of coffee and a good laugh.  I text a “good morning” rather than take the time to actually hear the voice of my loved one over the phone.  If I’m really pressed for time and still feel the need to express my thoughts, I can “Tweet” in 140 characters or less.  The real beauty of a “Cyber-hug,” it is totally germ-free, I don’t have to be personally involved and I only need to be interrupted at my convenience.

 Has my relationship with God morphed into a “Sterile, Cyber” relationship along with all the rest?  There are days when I am “encouraged” by an emailed devotional or a status update scripture posting when my soul is starving for a meal full of the “Meat of the Word.”  God is waiting with an overflowing basket of blessings for me to take time for a little chat but I tweet a 140- character prayer with my most “pressing” desires prioritized instead.  How ready I am to comment, “praying  for you” but never consider that maybe my best “prayer” could involve a little action; perhaps being the one through which God fills the need.  Now that’s a novel idea!  It’s much easier to email ((hugs)) than actually put my arms around a hurting person or post an emoticon with a tear rather than actually weep with those who weep.
The Bible tells us that Jesus WEPT, He was MOVED with compassion, He TOUCHED the sick and wounded; He WENT out of His way to SPEAK to a woman at the well or GIVE LIFE to the person in the funeral procession.  How different our Sunday School lessons would be if Jesus had “tweeted” life-giving water to the woman at the well or posted a word of encouragement to Blind Bartimaeus.   Sometimes loving people can get messy; ask the man who received spit-filled mud in his eyes or the disciples who had their nasty, stinky feet washed by the Master.  I want to break out of the “Sterile” world I have created for myself.  I want to touch more, hug often, give a genuine smile instead of an LOL and say “I LOVE YOU” face to face.  Most of all, I desire to feel the personal touch of my Savior as I take the time, sit at His feet, lay my head in His lap and linger in His presence.

Monday, August 26, 2013


We moved into our brand new home on December 1.  Having never lived in a newly built house, I was not prepared for the missing elements such as towel racks, toilet paper hangers, some light fixtures and a fire place mantel, that were constantly used but never given much thought. Another huge undertaking was a lawn, but that would have to wait until spring.  Between our procrastination and the landscaper’s scheduling, the lawn was not seeded until July….bad, bad planning, just in time for the summer drought.  We spent a fortune in diligently watering the sprouting seed and finally by October, we had a sparse lawn to enjoy.
 This year, with the spring rains and a couple of "Weed n Feed” applications, the lawn began to show signs of becoming what I had envisioned.  My husband believes in the idea that “More is better” and decided to fertilize on the first day of every month.  It was great until we came to the hot summer days of July.  So fearful of burning up all the progress we had made, I begged him not to spread the July application.  All I could imagine were crispy brown blades of grass that would soon be trampled into the dry parched soil.  Steve assured me my fears were unwarranted because this was “Slow-Release” fertilizer and would lie dormant on the soil beneath the grass until activated by a water source.  A week passed and the grass became a little less green.  The heavy dew of the night quickly dried in the morning sun before the cracked soil below could benefit.  Another week passed, my fears mounted until one morning I woke to the sound of an abundance of rain.  The rain continued all day, slowing to a gentle shower until finally ending the next evening.  Within 2 or 3 days the brilliant green returned, new sprouts appeared and bare spots were filled; the fertilizer had been activated as promised replenishing the soil’s dissipated nutrients.

There are days I revel in the new growth my spirit experiences.  God is so near, the blessings are overflowing and I’m sure I will never go through leanness again. But “summer” comes, the reserves dwindle and the ground becomes dry and cracked.  The little bit of dew I experience along the way just doesn’t last long enough in the hot winds of life to give any relief.   Sometimes I have questions; I wonder if God really knows what He is doing with this application; will I lose what little progress I have made since the last drought?  His gentle voice reassures my thirsty soul, “Do not fear, it is a slow-release treatment.  The rains will come and activate it in due season.”  So, I wait; my thirst becomes unbearable as I pray, search His Word for answers and listen patiently to the silence, until one day I wake to the sound of an abundance of rain. 
It may come as a gentle shower or a raging storm; begin as a few sprinkles and grow to a deluge, but the rain will come.  God is faithful and as surely as He gives us everything we need to accomplish His will, He will activate it with the necessary rain, at just the right time. You will begin to grow, the bare spots will fill in and the slow-release nutrients will be just what you needed for your next adventure in God.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I was raised in a “Technology Deficient” era.  There were no computers, video games and “gasp” no internet.  Our mothers got their gossip the old fashioned way; they talked to neighbors over the back fence, on the front porch or used the black, “dial-up:” phone.  There was no “Children’s Programming” on television, cartoons were a Saturday morning treat and the NBC Peacock actually meant something; yep, the program would be in “Living Color.”  In addition to this pitiful lack in my childhood, my parents chose to NOT have a television at all.  That’s right, how did my mother raise 6 kids without Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse or Dora?  We played together!!!
PRETEND, was always a favorite.   We played “House,” of course I was the Mom and Mike was the Dad.  We played “Hospital,” “Library,” “Grocery Store” and “Church.”  Understand that anytime a child plays “Pretend,” they are simply emulating what they have seen or what they have experienced.  We were raised in a “boisterous” Pentecostal Church and that is exactly how we “played” church.  It was boisterous and happening; full of the Power of God.  Our congregation consisted of sisters, a brother, Catholic neighbors, Methodist “babysitting” kids, no-denomination cousins and whoever else happened to be visiting our home at the time.  I can just imagine the parents trying to figure out what these kids were doing when they tried to recreate all the fun they had with the Hawks kids.

How did we play church?  We “played” exactly what we experienced in “Real” church.  The chairs were set in congregation formation, there was a “pulpit” up front, and we had “hymn” books and Bibles, a song leader, prayer requests, testimonies and powerful sermons.  We clapped our hands during the singing, raised our hands during worship, anointed people and prayed for the sick.  There was no choreographed dancing, but we danced in the Spirit, we prayed for each other until we received the Holy Ghost and baptized one another in the swimming pool.  It may have been “pretend” to many but I am convinced it was precious to God and He was teaching us some valuable truths through it all.
Fast forwarding to 2013, I wonder how do our children and grandchildren play “Church.”  First we have to assume they are taken or at least sent to a church service.  The Barna Group reports that 1/3 of the adults polled had no attachment to church whatsoever so, how will their children “play church?”  Secondly, we must assume that the television and video games are quiet long enough to allow the minds of our children to work on their own.  Stats show that children are involved in some type of media for about 4 hours every day and 70% of children have a form of media in their bedrooms.  Our third assumption must be that the church service they attend has something to offer that captures the hearts and mind of our children.  Most of the time they are segregated into age-appropriate programs, so that parents don’t have to deal with them in the adult service.  How do you think we learned to “play church?”  We sang the hymns, worshipped with the adults, listened to the sermon and prayed at the altar.  Oh there were times when we and our frustrated parents paid a visit to the nursery for some necessary correction and I am sure other times Dad and Mom arrived home feeling they had been in a wrestling match instead of enjoying the presence of God.  It would have been easier to just stay home but they had some training to do and we needed to learn how to “play church.”

Back to my question, “How do our children play church?”  When you go back over your last church experience, “How do you play church?”  Are the songs just rhymes to a modern beat, a few announcements, offering (never forget the offering), a soothing sermon on how awesome your life should be, an altar invitation and hurry to the coffee shop in the lobby where you greet a few people and grab designer concoction for the ride home.  Where is the passion, the power, the life changing experience?  When was the last time you rejoiced with the old Brother as he gave his often repeated testimony of God’s saving grace?  When was the last time a need was brought before the entire congregation and together, you touched the Throne of God?  When was the last time you lingered with someone at an altar until they were done repenting and the power of the Holy Ghost consumed the group?  When was the last time our children came home so impacted by what they had witnessed that they felt compelled to reenact it over and over by “playing church?”  When is the last time you felt a desire to just stop your routine and “play church?”  How do you play church?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


In the 21st century, there is more medical knowledge, identified diseases, cures and treatments than at any time in history.  Even then, a condition will suddenly materialize that baffles the best minds in the medical world.  Every test comes back negative, yet the symptoms persist and we have what has become known as a “SYNDROME.”  According to the dictionary a “syndrome” is a group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition; a concurrence of symptoms.  I have noticed lately, such a malady beginning to infect the Church.  In talking with other Pastors and Christians, it is not just a localized problem but is so widespread; it could almost be called an epidemic.  There is no reason for the church to be suffering, the tests are coming back negative, we still meet regularly, still believe in God, still preach out of the Bible but collectively, the symptoms indicate a condition I am calling C S O D SYNDROME!  COMPLACENCY, SUPPRESSION, OPPRESSION, & DEPRESSION!!!

To understand this condition better, we will take a journey way back in time to the land of Egypt.  Every Sunday School child has heard the story of Joseph, how his jealous brothers sold him into slavery and how God elevated him to second in command in Egypt.  We know the story of Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph’s interpretation of the 7 years of plenty and 7 lean years that would come upon the land.  Joseph was given the command to set up a plan for the 7 lean years, so that there would be plenty of food in Egypt.  The famine spread to Canaan where Joseph’s father and brothers still lived and they decided to journey to Egypt to buy food, not knowing that their brother, Joseph was not only alive but the overseer of all the “storehouse” of Egypt.  Eventually, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and moved their families and his father to Goshen in Egypt.  That is when the “Syndrome” began.

The Bible records that Jacob lived in the land of Goshen for 17 years, yet Pharaoh’s dream contained only 7 Lean Years.  For at least 10 years there was no need to stay in a foreign country but it seems that Jacob, his sons and their families had settled in; they become comfortable with their situation and began to prosper.  Realizing that his life was coming to an end, Jacob did not want to be buried in a strange land and made his sons promise to take him back to Canaan to be buried with his people.  Joseph approached the Pharaoh for permission to make the journey and he promised to come back.  WHY???  There is no record that Pharaoh had made a return part of the condition for allowing Joseph to leave; that was voluntary on Joseph’s part.  Perhaps it was because he had position or a wife in Egypt, but why did his brothers also return?  Genesis 50 records that they left their little ones, flocks and herds in the land of Goshen. Joseph’s family returned because they had left their most precious possessions in a foreign country; they had become satisfied and COMPLACENT.

Fast forward a few years, Joseph dies and Exodus 1:8-10, tells us, Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. 9 And he said to his people, “Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we; 10 come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and it happen, in the event of war, that they also join our enemies and fight against us, and so go up out of the land.”  The Bible does not tell us that the Egyptians ever “conquered” the Israelites during this time.  In fact, the Egyptians were frightened that the Israelites were becoming so mighty that they would be conquered.  Because of their complacency, the Israelites allowed the enemy to move in and take over; SUPPRESSION began.  Once the enemy gained an advantage, SUPPRESSION quickly moved to OPPRESSION and the Israelites found themselves in bondage without a fight or even a skirmish.

Exodus 1:11-14 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel. 13 So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor. 14 And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage—in mortar, in brick, and in all manner of service in the field. All their service in which they made them serve was with rigor.

Here we begin to see evidence of the last symptom of our syndrome, DEPRESSION.  Depression is a state of feeling sad, dejection; a loss of hope.  In their depressed state, the Israelites could not see what the Egyptians had noticed; they were multiplying and becoming a mighty nation.  The bible tells us that “the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew.”  The Children of Israel had a full blown case of  C S O D SNYDROME.  They had become COMPLACENT which allowed the enemy to SUPPRESS AND OPPRESS them, leading to such a deep DEPRESSION, they had forgotten that they were the Chosen People of Jehovah.

Satan has no right to SUPPRESS AND OPPRESS the Church AND he cannot unless in a state of COMPLACENCY, we allow him to set up camp in our midst.  We have become SATISFIED,  TOLERANT and ACCEPTING; content to live in a foreign land because we are prosperous.  It is time for the Church to arise; to realize she IS the Bride of Christ.  We are His Chosen People; People of the Name; purchased with His precious blood.  We have no reason to become DEPRESSED for “Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.”  We have a Deliverer who is greater than Moses and He has equipped us to fight and conquer the enemy.  Daniel 11 reminds us, “but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” 

REFUSE to become a victim of C S O D!!!!  Romans 8:37, Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


The Niswonger Grandkid’s Camp – 2013 was exciting and full of activities.  One of the most highly anticipated activities was painting the fort that Grandpa and the Grandkids were building.  Holding 4-year old Anabel’s hand as we walked toward the garage, I listened to her chatter excitedly about painting her panels.  I told her I had bought pink paint especially for her and I also had green, blue, white, yellow and orange.  Suddenly, Anabel looked up at me with her sparkling blue eyes and said, “I love pink, it is my favorite but if I had orange that would be a great opportunity.”

Most of the time we are so focused on what we don’t have, what is missing, or what is happening that we ignore the “great opportunities” around us each day.    God provides us with the pink paint and when he includes the orange, just because He’s God, we throw up our hands in frustration and ask, “What am I supposed to do with this?”  Or maybe it just isn't the combination you wanted.  I am sure Joseph was all excited about his future when God gave him dreams but the excitement waned when he realized God had thrown a little “orange” in the mix.  A foreign land, slavery and prison were not a combination he wanted in his dream.  Joseph would have spent the rest of his years rotting in prison; full of self-pity if he had not recognized the “great opportunity” God was sending his way.  The “pink” and “orange” were a God-given ticket to the palace.

As you reflect on your dreams and goals, perhaps all of the “orange” is overpowering the small smear of “pink” on your masterpiece.  It wasn’t the combination you had envisioned and it seems you will never accomplish anything with the colors you’ve been given.  Remember, God has always had a plan for your life and He will never give you a color that He can’t work with.  He wants to show you the “great opportunity” that He is providing.  Dip your brush in the paint and allow God to guide you into your future.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


From 1966-1969 a television series captured the imagination of every little boy and my husband was no exception.  Yes, Steve is a “Trekkie, not one of those crazy, dress in weird costumes with pointy ears fans; but a “Trekkie” that still enjoys Star Trek movies and science fiction in general.  I have to admit, although not an aficionado like Steve, I do enjoy a Star Trek flick every once in a while; not for the conflict but for the technology, that in the 60’s one could only dream of having.  Today some of that technology has become a reality.  Not one of us will leave home without our “communicator” in our pocket, purse or attached to our ear.  “Phasers” have become standard issue for law enforcement.  The “command center” in my car can map my destination, call a friend, has a juke box loaded with mp3s, can give me weather alerts and check my automobile’s systems as I drive.  We all carry our “PADDS” and interface with friends and loved ones continually in real time.  The technology that I found most fascinating, however, was the “Transporter.”   Yesterday, a breakthrough in transportation was announced called High Speed Travel Tubes that could possibly allow you to travel from NY to Beijing in 2 hours.  Is there no limit to what the human mind came develop if allowed to dream?  My great-grandchildren will laugh as they climb into Travel Tubes, at how in the “olden” days, people had to travel in jets that took hours to go across the ocean.
Back to Star Trek….The Federation patrolled the area where “no man had gone before,” in the Starship, Enterprise.  There were always scoundrels and terrorists to be on the lookout for and sometime engage with in a skirmish to keep the inhabitants of various worlds safe.  The Romulans were one of the chief adversaries of the Federation.  The Romulans developed “Cloaking” technology and shared it with the Klingons, another Federation enemy.  This technology allowed them to close in on the Federation starship without detection.   The problem with using the cloaking device is that they could not use their weapons at the same time which gave the Federation an edge with its weapons and shields. By the end of each episode, the Federation had prevailed and the Klingons or Romulans were sent back to plot and plan for another day.

Now that you are well-versed in Star Trek lore, how does this apply to our life?  We have an adversary who is constantly attacking and finding new ways to come against the People of God.    1 Peter 5:8 identifies this adversary; “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:”  Our adversary, the devil, slinks around, sometimes he mounts a full frontal attack and other times he is a coward, blindsiding his prey and attacking from behind.  Most times, however, he dons his “cloaking device” and appears as an “angel of light.”  Suddenly, you realize that he has slipped in unaware and a skirmish is about to ensue.

2 Corinthians 11:13-14 describes Satan and his soldiers as they prepare for battle, fully “cloaked.”  13 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”  Remember the Star Trek example; using the cloaking device causes other weapons to become less effective.  Satan is not invincible and the People of God are not without powerful weapons and shields.

2 Corinthians 2:11 tells us that “We are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.”  We just need to have our strategy planned and our weapons powered up and ready.  Our most powerful weapon is our Conquering Leader and His orders have been handed down; Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  REPORTING FOR DUTY!!!!

 God has a whole arsenal of powerful weapons at our disposal. Buckle on the Belt of Truth, slip your arms through the Breastplate of Righteousness, tie the laces of the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace nice and tight on your feet, and put the Helmet of Salvation on your head; left hand, the Shield of Faith; right hand, the Sword of the Spirit.  NOW….you are ARMED and READY!!!

Ephesians 6:14-17 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;   16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Satan can bring on his best battle plan, the People of God will prevail.  2 Corinthians 10:4  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.  I can guarantee that if the weapons of our warfare can pull down strong holds, they can penetrate Satan’s “cloaking device.”  We can stand strong and confident in our Leader and His arsenal.  It is time to send Satan fleeing with his impotent army; we are the People of God!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013


In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed a psychological theory known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  It is usually portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with all the basic human sustenance needs forming the base of the pyramid and the other 4 levels forming the rest of the structure.  The theory is that as each level is fulfilled, the human need for the next level is revealed.  Also, until each level is satisfied, a person cannot progress to the next level and reach the final goal of Self Actualization.  I find the 3rd (love/belonging) and 4th levels (esteem) so desired and strived for in today’s world.  Everyone wants to have their existence validated by someone else, you want to matter, you want to be heard and you want to be seen; no one truly wants to be invisible.
Just in case you think I’m getting too scientific or technical, let’s move on to the recent conversations that inspired this writing.  A friend and I were discussing a situation and she made the remark, “We were pretty much invisible.”  Her remark put everything into a neat little package that described her entire experience; Invisibility.  It really didn’t matter what positive events had occurred, her feeling of being invisible overshadowed everything.  In a different conversation, another friend remarked, BUT don't you like to think that SOMEONE is at least interested or cares enough to ASK? I may not choose to share, but I guess I would like the option!”  INVISIBILITY does not inspire a warm, fuzzy, secure, “all is right with my world” feeling.  Instead, it has the ability to make one feel small, unimportant and insignificant.

So many times in my life I have experienced the feeling of invisibility; walked into a room and no one even glanced my way; talked to the self-important individual who not only monopolized the conversation with his/her exploits but talked past my shoulder, scanning the room for anyone more interesting, exciting or of a greater social standing.  All of these contribute to a feeling of invisibility. 

There are times I have even felt invisible to God.
Now before you think I’ve lost my mind, my salvation and all reasoning, I know God sees and knows all but sometimes it feels no matter how hard you try, nothing works out, no matter how many tears you shed, they were all for nothing, no matter how many hours you spend on your knees, there doesn’t seem to be an answer and you feel you must be invisible.  BUT, YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE TO GOD!!!! 

You know all those tears you’ve shed and thought no one knew or cared?  God sees and He cares.  Read this precious promise from His Word;
 Psalms 56:7-9 You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
9 When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back;
This I know, because God is for me.

The Word of God contains many more promises to assure you that He knows your name, He knows right where you are, and He hears every prayer; “This I know, because God is for me.” 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



In her book, Life is Tough, But God is Faithful, Sheila Walsh reminds us of the movie, Educating Rita.  While I do not recommend this as a wholesome family movie, there is a quote from one of the characters that has echoed through the ages and continues to call out from the heart of man.

Rita is a hairdresser from Liverpool, England.  She decides to better herself and enrolls in a university.  She has a hard time overcoming her background and gaining the confidence to fit in with the sophisticated, scholarly group at school.  Her husband and other family members are constantly berating her for trying to rise above her “station” in life.  One night she is at a pub with her husband, parents and friends.  As usually happens the men drink excessively and begin to sing songs along with the jukebox.  As the night progresses, the songs become more and more vulgar and the men become louder.  Rita’s mother looks at her with tears streaming down her face and says, “There must be better songs to sing than this...”

If this is the cry that you have been screaming but nobody has heard, let me assure you there IS A BETTER SONG; A NEW SONG.

 Psalms 40:3 says “He has put a new song in my mouth” and Psalms 96:1 says, “Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!  Sing to the LORD, all the earth.”

The new song that God will put in your mouth is:

 The world’s greatest Love Song:
            Oh Love of God, how rich and pure; how measureless and strong”

When your world feels like a war zone, it’s a Peace Movement Song:
“When peace like a river attendeth my way…It is well with my soul”;                                  

“Peace, peace, wonderful peace coming down from the Father above.  Sweep over my spirit forever I pray with fathomless billows of love.” 

A Song of Joy:
            It is joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Oh the half has never yet been told.”

When you are feeling lonely, it’s a song about Friendship:
            “What a friend we have in Jesus.  All our sins and griefs to bear.”

If you have failed, He gives a Song of Forgiveness:
            “I came to Jesus weary, worn and sad; He took my sins away, He took my sins away.” 

It is a song the angels cannot sing; a Song of Redemption:
“His favorite song of all is the song of the Redeemed.  When lost sinners, now made clean, lift their voices loud and strong.  When those purchased by His blood, lift to Him a song of love.”

He puts a song of Salvation in our hearts:
O the love that drew salvation's plan, O the grace that brought it down to man
  O the mighty gulf that God did span. At Calvary

God wants to give you a better song today.  Let him change the old song of pain, emptiness and loneliness to one of Amazing Grace.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.”         

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Every generation views life through a different lens, knowledge increases, technology progresses, music reflects current struggles and children just DON’T want to be identified with the ideas of their parents.  This, of course, is not a modern day phenomenon; Genesis 4 tells us the story of Cain, the second generation of humanity.  Adam and Eve were trying to atone for their catastrophic mistake.  They raised their sons to know about God and had obviously taught them that God demanded a sacrifice of worship but Cain had a different idea.  Why offer a messy sacrifice when he had labored and raised some beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables.  It didn’t end so well for Cain but he “did it his way.”
I wonder if the children of the Pilgrims blamed their parents for the long boat ride, horrible winter and hard work in the new land.  I’m sure they did until one group got the idea that they didn’t have to serve King George who after all was thousands of miles away and hadn’t allowed one drop of his sweat to water the soil of the Colonies.  Patrick Henry stood up and declared, “Give me liberty or give me death” and a new nation was on its way to being birthed.  My generation was tired of having to talk to friends attached to a chord, so the cell phone was born and friends were suddenly always online, available to chat.  Our children will resent having to type, and then hit send and technological progress will continue.

In the late 1800’s a group of people decided there had to be more than a liturgy and ritual in serving God.  They began to study, pray, fast and seek God; the result….In 1900, there was a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, people began to speak with tongues as they did on the Day of Pentecost and the Gifts of the Spirit were once again used to bless God’s people.  Everything wasn’t perfect, over the years there has been much maturing take place in the Pentecostal movement, knowledge has increased and after a few dumb mistakes and statements, we’ve all become a little wiser in witnessing and studying the Word.  But now the “Millennial Generation” has come of age.
A new blog by Rachel Held Evans, “Why Millennials Are Leaving The Church” is making the rounds on face book.  To sum it all up, she states, “I explain how young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be too political, too exclusive, old-fashioned, unconcerned with social justice and hostile to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.”  We are “old-fashioned.”  Well Rachel that’s one I’ve never heard; NOT!!!  Really?  What next-generation has ever thought the past-generation was “hip?”  She accuses us of being “unauthentic” and just offering cosmetic changes in worship with lights, bands, casual dress and coffee shops.  I have to agree with her on this point, we’ve given our children everything for their pleasure and entertainment without any requirements; unfortunately it has bled over into the church.  She wants more compatibility between science and faith, more social justice and outreach to the poor and oppressed, less politics and more of the Kingdom of God.  Of course, Ms. Evans also would like more tolerance and the freedom to make the Word of God a little more palatable when it comes to sin. Pre-Millennials didn’t make those rules; she will have to take that argument straight to The Throne.   God didn’t come to make us more AUTHENTIC, He came that we might be CHANGED from our sinful nature.

I would ask all Millennials who are leaving the church because it just doesn’t measure up and “tick” all their boxes, “Why not stay and be the change?”  Ok, it was pretty ignorant for the pastor to say you didn’t need an education because you had the Holy Spirit to teach you. After goofing your way through high school, did the desire for further education become a burning passion because the pre-millennials said it wasn’t necessary?  As for Science vs. Faith, use that superior education you desire to research and write a best-seller on how Science supports God’s hand in creation and other awesome discoveries.  Social responsibility?  Quit blaming the older generation and volunteer at Soup Kitchen, mentor a group of inner-city kids or instead of buying the latest model of I-phone and I-pad, finance a mission trip to a third world country.  I know of a church in Grand Rapids that make sandwiches and pass them out to the homeless, a man in Missouri who drives every week to the prison to minister to inmates, a couple who took time off work to go to Haiti and help earthquake victims and others too numerous to mention that have becomes the hands and feet of Jesus.  They want to “be the change” and have found a way to help it become a reality.

Every “next” generation knows more than the past generations; now is your chance, PROVE IT!!!  Stop whining and change things.  But, be prepared, don’t expect the opportunities to be neatly packaged and beautifully presented to you.  You may have to roll up your sleeves and get in the game.  There may be some blood, sweat and tears involved.  DON’T FORGET, you will have children that will be “post-millennial” and they will think that you failed them also.  Start preparing your defense and rebuttal now because the next generation is growing up faster than you can even imagine.