Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have spent a lot of time lately reflecting over my life, examining where I’ve been and where I would like to go. I wish I had written down my goals and vision of the future every 10 years and put them in safe keeping for later evaluation. What would I have written at 20, 30, or 40? How close would it be to my life today, how would my goals have changed, where would I be living, would I have a career, how many children, etc? I have never heard anyone say after 10, 20, or 30 years, “My life is exactly the way I thought it would be. I planned my life, followed the plan, and everything fell into place exactly as I had envisioned.” Whether you have had success or endured disappointment, your life is a collection of experiences. Experiences come in many forms and our response to them help shape us into the person we are at all the different stages. Let’s take a look at some of the things God allows in our life to help make us in His image.

Have you ever been irritated about something or someone? We all have that special person in our life that “just gets on our last nerve.” I have been praying for help with life’s little irritations. Irritations start out small, if they are not dealt with properly, however, they can become sore spots in our lives. Pearls are a good example of an irritation that has been dealt with by the recipient. There are cultured pearls, in which a bead is introduced inside the shell of a mollusk, but the most valuable pearls are created when the clam is going about its everyday business. The clam is just floating along in the ocean when a grain of sand becomes lodged in the soft tissue. To protect itself, the clam secretes a substance called “nacre” which coats the grain of sand in concentric circles. The result is a beautiful round iridescent pearl. Too many times I have tried to expel the irritant from my life instead of letting the Holy Spirit transform the person or situation into a precious pearl.

Every Christian must endure brokenness as they mature. We are all born with different muscles that serve different functions. As we mature some muscles become stronger than others. Look at your computer keyboard, the characters which are used the least are placed on the keyboard to be typed using your little finger. The little finger is the weakest and cannot endure the repetitive motion that the other fingers are subjected to as a document is typed. The little finger can become stronger but it takes practice and work. I do not lift weights but having raised two boys, I have gained some knowledge regarding the process. Lifting weights results in the actual tearing of a muscle, as the muscle heals the filaments or strands of muscle tissue become stronger. Just as the muscle must be broken to gain strength, God allows brokenness in our lives so that we can gain spiritual strength. Most of us are so concerned with getting out of the situation that we fail to see the Hand of God until the healing is finalized and our spiritual muscles are stronger and bigger. How much faster we would mature if we would learn to rest in God during the brokenness and let our spiritual healing take place.

The final element God has used to shape my life is fire. I have always been fascinated with the process of glass-blowing. The artist dips the end of a heated blowpipe into a blob of molten glass then by using short puffs of air and a flame, the blob is transformed into a beautiful vase or other work of art. So many times my efforts have been reduced to molten blobs of sand. In my eyes the blobs are no more than symbols of all my failures until the Master Glass-blower starts applying the fire. As the breath of the Holy Spirit blows across my shattered dreams, God begins to shape me into a beautiful vessel fit for His service.

So many times I have failed to recognize God’s work in my life, the irritant has been expelled with relief, I have given into soreness and refused to exercise the muscle or become so accustomed to defeat that I have chosen to remain a blob of self-imposed failure. Just as a small irritating speck becomes a precious pearl, the torn, exhausted muscle becomes a source of strength and a molten blob becomes a work of art, God will transform all the situations of our lives into something beautiful, if we will yield them to His plan.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yesterday was Earth Day. There were celebrations all over the world to increase the awareness of our responsibility to the environment and its preservation. My sister reported that she ate at a restaurant that served food in the dark, the grocery store was promoting the use of canvas bags and many trees were planted. I found many of the celebrations amusing and a little hypocritical. President Obama flew in Air force One, burning thousands of gallons of fossil fuel to “sell his energy policy.” Other’s purchased “carbon credits” to soothe their conscience as they heated their mansions and rode in their limousines to local celebrations. Like most Christians and Conservatives, I believe that God created the earth for his greatest creation, Mankind.

Man was told to tend the earth and have dominion over it. The dictionary defines the word “tend” as to look after; watch over and care for. “Dominion” is the power or right of governing and controlling; sovereign authority. I believe that God gave us sovereign authority over the earth. It is for our benefit and pleasure. With authority comes the responsibility to look after, watch over and care for this wonderful gift. The problem is some have exchanged their dominion for worship.

As a teenager I fell in love with a wonderful young man. As our relationship progressed, we realized we wanted to be together forever. As a token of his love and a promise of wonderful things to come, Steve presented me with a beautiful engagement ring. I was so proud of the ring that I never wanted to take it off of my finger. I showed it to everyone, cleaned it and kept it safe. The ring, however, was not the object of my affection. It would have had no meaning without a relationship with my Beloved.

God has given us a beautiful gift called the earth. It is a gift to His bride and a promise of all the wonderful things He has in store for those who love Him. The Bible tells us He has given us just the “earnest” of our inheritance. As possessors of the gift we are to care for it, protect it, and keep it clean; but how foolish to put it in a box and not enjoy such a wonderful gift. I think God looks down with a smile when we plant a tree, smell a flower, run barefoot through the grass and taste the ocean’s salt on our lips. He loves it when we enjoy the special engagement gift He has bestowed upon His bride. How it must grieve the heart of God, however, when the gift becomes more important to us than the giver; when we want to become “one with the earth” instead of seek a closer relationship with our groom.

Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” I am so thankful I didn’t just settle for a pretty little ring 33 years ago. Although the ring has lost some of its luster, the relationship has blossomed into a beautiful life of love and trust. It would be equally imprudent of me to place all of my hopes, dreams and affections on one of God’s gifts, when I can be married to the Giver and partake of all of His riches. How did I celebrate Earth Day? I took some time to thank the Creator for His wonderful creation.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.

Have you ever heard anyone make the statement, “Why pray?” It is usually in reference to lost hope and a lack of faith that prayer is going to make a difference. During my morning devotions the thought entered my mind. It wasn’t in reference to a lack of faith or the subject of my petition; no, it was more of a matter of fact question, “Why Pray?” I began to think about all the different attitudes of prayer, why people pray and even how their “prayer voices” reveal their perception of God.

Prayer is important; actually that is an understatement, it is the lifeline of every Christian. The word PRAY is in the Bible 306 times and PRAYER, 109 times. Every successful man or woman in the bible prayed, Jesus prayed, the apostles prayed, the founding fathers of the United States prayed and God heard every prayer.

I have heard people pray for daily needs, healing, lost loved ones, and direction for a situation, request things they didn’t need and things for which God answered NO. I was brought up in an atmosphere of prayer. If I became separated from my Mother in a store, I would stand very still and listen intently, soon I would hear “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” whispered softly. I would follow the whispers and soon I was right by Mom’s side. You see my mother believed in “praying without ceasing.”

I learned to pray about everything, no matter how trivial. Some things were so trivial that God must have smiled as He said no, but I still asked just in case. My most bizarre request was when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was a “fat” little kid and in the 60’s the schools made every child weigh twice a year. We would get in a line, one by one stand on the scale and the nurse would write down our weight. Sometimes a student would write them down as the nurse called out the numbers; a little sensitivity training would have been a tremendous help. I remember praying fervently for the rapture to take place immediately so I could disappear. Obviously that was not the plan of God for my life. I stepped on the scale, lived through the humiliation and probably ate another cookie to help my self-esteem.

I find it interesting and enlightening to “eavesdrop” on prayers. We have always attended a church where people pray aloud and corporately; this made for a fascinating hobby. I am more captivated by their tone as they pray rather than by their words and requests.

 One prayer warrior, I know, immediately changes her voice to a whiny, pleading voice. She begs God to answer her prayer. Although, I’m sure she would testify to answered prayer, her voice and demeanor, as she rocks back and forth on her knees, says that God is a “hard taskmaster” and we must come before him as pitiful creatures hoping for a crumb from the master’s table.

 A minister acquaintance prays with a loud, demanding voice. I assume he feels that displays the anointing and the authority that the Holy Spirit has place upon him. I’m not sure if the loudness gets God’s attention faster and I don’t think our demands impress Him.

I always loved the Sister who just talked to God conversationally, she would even apologize to God if she got interrupted or accidentally burped. I had the feeling that God was her friend and she was very comfortable communicating with Him.

I prefer to approach God as my Father. I have a vision of Him sitting at the table, the coffee is hot (yes, God drinks coffee) and He’s just been waiting for me to call so He can share a few moments, give some advice and pour out the daily benefits He has chosen just for me. Sometimes my tone is excited and joyful other times it is whining or demanding. I have approached the throne boldly and pitifully. Many times I am so overwhelmed with awe that the praises burst forth uncontrollably and other times I can do nothing but cry on His shoulder. Whenever, day or night, He has never been too busy or let the answering machine pick up when I call.

Whatever your view is of God, whether He’s the “boss” or your best friend, take some time to pray today. If it’s been a little while since you called Him up, just apologize! His loving arms will hold you tight and soon you will be talking to Him just like old times. WHY PRAY? God’s been waiting and you need the advice.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Did you ever feel rejected? Did the loneliness ever overwhelm you? Did you hurt when those you had poured yourself into did not have time for you in your hour of need? Do you ever wish someone would take the time to call but everyone’s to busy for even a hello? What went through your mind when finding the disciples asleep, you asked them if they could just pray with you for one hour, only to return to find them asleep once again? Were you relieved after asking if the disciples would also leave, Peter answered, “Where would we go, you have the words of eternal life?” How it must have hurt when a few days or weeks later, it was Peter who denied even knowing you. As you looked down from the cross, did you wonder why you were alone? Where were the ones you had healed, the 5,000 you had fed, the dead you had raised; surely a few would remain in support of your ministry. Did you ever feel lonely? You were God, you saw the end; you knew the rest of the story. Did you really feel lonely?

Sometimes I feel so alone and rejected. Those I’ve reached out to are too busy to give an hour of their time, yet when they have a need, I’ll still answer, I’ll still take time to love them and pray with them. Is this what it means to know you in the fellowship of your suffering? My trials seem so small compared to what you suffered, please show me the victorious end. Remind me that you have a plan for me, that all things work for good to them who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose. Please give me just a glimpse of your purpose. Assure me that you will open a door that no man can shut, and then set me in view of the door. Let me hear that still small voice say, “It’s going to be worth it all some beautiful happy day.” Help me get through tonight because tomorrow is a new day and your mercy is new every morning. Once again God, have you ever felt lonely?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I am a take-charge person. If you put me in any group, after about 2 minutes of pleasantries and indecisiveness, I take charge and usually emerge as the group leader. It’s not that I have to be the head of everything or even want the role but someone has to guide the group, so I take charge. My self-analysis has brought me to the conclusion that I suffer from “Oldest Child Syndrome.” I was conditioned from early childhood to lead, protect and help solve the “problems” of my siblings; it’s not my fault!!! Contrary to the belief of most followers, taking charge does not bring honor and accolades but leads to behind-the-back sniping and a lot of hard work. I will never forget how surprised and actually hurt I was the first time I was told that I intimidate people. More self-analysis; I love people but I believe that sympathy for your victimization is only to validate the event, and then it is time to find a solution. I am always available to help you find the solution, but if you want to keep singing the “Somebody Done Me Wrong” song, I will move on to the next hurting person.

Now that you understand how this crazy mind works, is it any wonder that God waits until 3:00 in the morning to talk to me? God is all-knowing, so he knows that is the only time I’m quiet enough to listen and too tired to argue. This morning I was snuggled in my Select-comfort bed, dialed at 40, cuddling my memory foam pillow, when God interrupted my dreams with the words, LET GO AND LET GOD. Forget sleeping, God had my attention.

This was not one of those cryptic messages that require days of prayer and fasting to solve. I understood God’s instructions immediately. Steve and I have been praying, fasting, discussing, asking, pleading; ok you get the picture, for months regarding an area of our life. We have “given it to God,” or so we thought. Just about the time we had it all figured out, it seemed a road block or a curve ball would suddenly appear from nowhere. As soon as we came to the road block, we would pick up the problem and carry it back to God. The prayer, fasting and pleading were repeated until we “gave it back to God” and continued on our way. This morning, God decided to TAKE CHARGE and give me the solution; LET GO AND LET GOD.

When David faced Goliath, the solution was in his hand. He had a sling and five stones, however, it was not until he let go of the stone and let God direct it, that the problem was solved. The lesson which God keeps teaching me over and over again is if I want to solve my own problems, He will let me!!! When I finally realize that my solutions aren’t working out so well and I get tired of whining, God takes charge.

If you are facing a giant in your life, STOP, for just a minute. LOOK at what God has placed in your hand; LISTEN to what God is telling you, then LET GO AND LET GOD. Your aim may not be accurate and you may not have the power to throw very far, but God will guide the stone to the bull’s eye, if you will let go.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I love traveling by car. You may not arrive at the destination as quickly, but the journey is a lot more interesting. I enjoy traveling through quaint little out-of-the way towns. You can find the most amazing lawn ornaments and view architecture born in the mind of the homeowner rather than the clean lines regurgitated by a computer program. My favorite traveling “sport” is reading signs; road signs, business signs, town mottos and other signs unique to that specific community. Years ago, while traveling in the south, we came upon a garage with a lean-to "quick" shop. The hand painted sign proudly advertised, "Tires and Boloney. "

Most of my current travels have taken me down the interstate which can be long and boring. The signs are usually advertising the restaurants, gas station or hotel available at the next exit. If you can keep your eyes open, an interesting sign or two will suddenly appear over the horizon. We were returning from a meeting in Kokomo, IN, when such a sign suddenly came into view. The sign simply stated “WHAT THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR.” We were speeding down I69 around Lansing so I have no idea what the sign was advertising or trying to say, but it stirred my imagination.

We live in such a turbulent time or as the Bible put it, a perilous time. Mankind is in constant search for the next thrill, the latest gadget that will provide temporary pleasure, a new relationship or an unknown entity that will finally satisfy the longing deep inside. I googled the phrase to see if the Internet contained some insight into What the World is Waiting For. One blogger said “The World is waiting for American’s to take back America.” Another blogger stated it had to be the Pastrami Burger from Carl, Jr’s. A British group wrote a song about it, although they never answer the question. I found that the world is waiting for Jennifer Morrison, a shipment of kissing unicorns, the sunrise, Obama, ourselves, and even YOU. One website simply said, “The World is Waiting for the Answer.”

I believe the last statement is the reason for our endless searching; The World is Waiting for the Answer. During the election we observed how desperate people are to find the answer. Millions voted for President Obama in hopes that he could solve the problems of the world, but the world still waits. Israel just installed Benjamin Netanyahu as the new Prime Minister, hoping for peace, but the world still waits. The world leaders traveled to Europe this week to solve the world-wide economic crisis, but the world still waits. The United States is sending more troops to Afghanistan to fight terrorism, but the world still waits. The world is waiting for a Messiah.

The answer to the economic crisis, the answer to peace of mind, the answer to true happiness, the answer to acceptance, or the answer to whatever you want to insert here is all found in Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:4 informs us that “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.” Jesus was what the world was waiting for. Most of the world, then and now, fails to recognize that the Answer is right in front of their nose. One more time, the “Fullness of Time” is about to occur; The Messiah is about to return, but only those who are looking for Him will recognize Him as The Answer. Your search can end today; He is What The World Has Been Waiting For.